Basically put anything here that you see doesn’t warrant a whole ass thread of it’s own.
Labda serikali imepinduliwa na tumeketi tu hapa… :D:D:D:D
Basically put anything here that you see doesn’t warrant a whole ass thread of it’s own.
Labda serikali imepinduliwa na tumeketi tu hapa… :D:D:D:D
" Ni saa kumi na mbili na bado hujavaa sweater?"
Matiba’s body leaves the Lee Funeral Home for a memorial service at the All Saint Cathedral.
sasa ii mvua inashangaza: tuliambiwa tupande miti lakini naulizaa, do trees cause rain ama does rain cause trees?
Sasa Mjinga
wewe ndio muyinga
Husband: hunie I bet you can’t say something that will make me happy and sad at the same time.
Wife :you have a very big dick compared to your friends.
I wonder why you aren’t working for the government with your kind of thinking.
They employ the most mediocre thinkers.
So is he being cremated ama?
Not today, the body will be returned to Lee after the requiem mass, then tomorrow taken to another one at Ihura stadium Murang’a, returned to Lee again then removed for the final time on Friday morning and taken to Lang’ata cemetery for the cremation.
he he he @Mundu Mulosi will tell you ni miti ilimea karura ndio ikanyesha…
Kuna keki ya bday…
[ATTACH=full]167772[/ATTACH]Since the handshake, talkers don’t qualify threads no more.
mjinga kupindukia
@Deorro kumbe ulikuwa na birthday na hukusema