FERK US !!! . This is true . Where can I get the full clip? Some jerks here should see this:
" We identify a third world country that has alot of resources. We give them massive loans that we know very well they can’t repay. We don’t give them direct cash, no, we build bridges, roads and all (evidence @spear yapping about roads here and there). This only benefits the only few whereas the majority of the country has to remain intentionally poor.
If this fails , then we send jackals. Their work is to get rid of leaders who dont comply by assassinating them.
If jackals fail we send military through UN like Iraq. And that was my job to make sure all that happens ."
wish the same questions would have been asked when people lined up to vote ."what’s your plan to control balooning debt? Should have been the question . Instead as long as mtu wetu is there then we are fine …
Most of those who are complaining are from a community known for going into debt to purchase luxury items to impress and end up struggling. Others go into debt to finance production at various levels and pay their debts. Kenya belongs to the latter
I’d rather have bridges,railways,roads,electricity and ‘high’ debt than have no bridges,archaic railways,non existent road network,no electricity and have ‘low’ debt.
P.s:Low and high are subjective terms
My point was those developed countries got there through debts. They’ve also managed to stay on development through debts, so why can’t we??
Let’s develop our infrastructure and accumulate loans provided they are sustainable.
for example
The JKIA-Rironi highway, which will pass through James Gichuru Road, was to be built in 2012 at a cost of Sh25 billion.
That rose to Sh38 billion in 2016. It is now being built at Sh59 billion.
Suppose we borrowed the Sh25 billion in 2012 and built the road immediately. Even if we had borrowed from a Shylock, it would saved the country a lot of money.
so I say borrow borrow borrow for our childrens future
kenyans are always looking for a subject to be hysterical about. last week it was deforestation and drought…it rained. …and often the science in the hysteria is wrong…
old man, I know your job as an biologist keeps you busy but find sometime and read the current financial year budget policy statement, the gist of it on debt is treasury is aware debt has grown fast as a percentage of GDP, they are committed to controlling this by reducing budget deficit by a percentage point up to 2021 from 8% this yr to 4%, this will see debt to GDP ratio fall to below 50%