A MGTOW Observation: Superstition vs Whoring

@Yuletapeli made some immature comments on some thread posted earlier today that garnered likes from SIMPs and married men. This is my version of things but dedicated to the MGTOW in the house, (Loooong read, pussies move over).

One truth I learnt is: men will always be jealous of a man GETTING IT whether it’s from a ‘normal girl’ or a prostitute. I know this well enough. This is the reason a man who has no options and cannot get a hooker will try to rationalize his situation with superstitious beliefs. Such statements emanate from fear, the fear that any prospective for you out there will be fucked. It is the same reason some men will fear fucking exes - because they fear for their loved one getting it from her ex, the same goes with men who tell other men to not eat married women. The same fearful emotional bullshit, don’t buy it.

I will get straight to it my men: Women have already made their choice and so should any man with a brain.
All women
got downgraded to whores the moment they were told they can get in class and work and they accepted it. Women DID NOT see this as some kind of ‘empowerment’, women jumped on it because as little girls they knew it was now socially accepted for them to make a choice and barter the pussy for resources but fwuack for the moment until they meet the ultimate fool i.e. socially-acceptable whoring. When a man goes ahead to claim that sleeping with prostitutes is bad, then it is quite easy to figure out whose side he’s on – sadly the wymyns’ side. It is also a weak argument to say that whore-fuckers have lost jobs. I am old enough and have seen enough men go broke due to bad financial investments and emotional decisions (read marriage and kids). I have seen men lose jobs due to misconduct, jealousy, bad-bosses, lack of morale, mental health issues, etc. None of those men fwuacked a hooker as far as I know (atleast some of them).

Every woman who’s not a virgin is a WHORE. That is the truth, the moment I realized that, I stopped asking women out or doing dates/drinks (I stopped lying to myself that they are what I’d wish to have but what they really are). Whenever I meet a new woman (for me it is rare) I straight up ask if she’s DTF. If she’s not, I next and move on. Why? Because if she was a ‘good/nice’ woman, she would have a man and if the man who’s married to her was a MAN, he would marry her a virgin and nothing less. Anything less is just a man fronting someone else’s past fuck-toy. If a woman has a boyfriend, she’s just a hooker on internship. These days, women will state it in public how they want a man who meets ‘certain criteria’ and when you deeply scrutinize the subtext you realize she is simply stating, “I am willing to be a WHORE to the highest bidder.

A woman selling pussy at Muindi-Mbingu, Koinange-Street, Thika Rd or Sabina Joy is more honest than a woman with a history of dicks in her saying ‘I do’ at an altar in some church. A man buying pussy from a hooker is a MILLION times better than a man at that altar saying ‘I do’, the latter has just been finessed into believing in something that’s no longer what it used to be, but what choice does he have? Of course, he doesn’t have the mentality of a pussy slayer and will thus say:
[li]“Sleeping with women will bring no happiness” – If you are happy with that one woman that you fuck then what the fuck are doing in the S&R section where the best is the blue-eyed whale pics from @rexxsimba?[/li][li]“Most men here are losers who fuck 50 bob whores” – Boy, unless your mama was a virgin when she met your daddy then just know you are as a result of a SIMP committing to a socially acceptable whore, otherwise she’d have stuck to the first nigga to fwuack her with the only exception being rape.[/li][li]“A real MAN will katia a woman rather than buy pussy online” – This is a shaming tactic by women that is then upheld by SIMP men, that ‘real woman’ is just a WHORE being taken advantage of and nothing to show for it but hangovers and memories.[/li][li]“Soul-ties is a real thing” – Seriously? Can it get any funnier than this? You believe having sex will stop you from getting spiritual enlightenment. You believe being chaste is a factor in salvation? Open your eyes son, even Jihadists are promised 72 whores to blow themselves up. Catholic sisters are sharing Instagram videos shaking ass and I can safely state/conclude that they must be fucking the priests – of course this is no argument but it should tell you that playing chastity in the contemporary world is foolhardy. I agree there are women with uswara and so are there men. I have male friends that whenever I ghost them for a while, my things go straight until they show up. Mostly I realized it’s just people who have bad vibes and jealousy (inaitwa nyongo kwa Kiswahili, yaani mtu hakutakii). Avoid those people, simple. This guy below knows it:[/li][/ul]
I will go on and state that I have never bought pussy, not because of ideals but logic and economic philosophies: For me even if I buy sex today I will still be horny tomorrow, let me find a ‘good/nice’ woman at random and fuck her if possible. I cannot fwuack with a rubber too - to me that’s like jerking off in a plastic bag and injustice for denying my left-hand the opportunity :D. In between that, I will retain seed and wank whenever the pressure overwhelms. In those scenarios none of my J-KOP (Jomo Kenyatta on Paper) gets spent. One thing I know for sure is, it will reach a point for me when buying pussy is the only option if I want a warm hole meat body. But until then, you superstitious niggas can fuck off and let other men be.

Fucking regards,

Wewe huwezi kua alpha male. Even broke mofos like @poyoloko don’t have time to write such lengthy posts this obscure forum. Btw sijasoma.

Samali priss.

You could have just said “I am a lanye f*cker and I don’t want to be judged”.

I’m sure people will understand juu anyway you are a grownup na maisha ni yako buana.

It is your money, your time, your choice. @uwesmake fuaks Ksh 200 hoes in dingy lodgings with Raymond blankets and nobody judges him.

Usiogope gathee. Piga sherehe vile unataka without adhering to people’s standards. You don’t need to justify to anyone why you fuak h.oes.

You must be broke.

Manze SV chieth wewe ni mshenzi wa wapi gatheee…Mimi husema if what you are doing is right you don’t need to justify it for example like helping the needy…wachana na @Yuletapeli he’s one sober gentleman…lakini mbona inakuuma hivi msee ama ni guilt

nani amesoma hiyo yote alete summary

Boss you don’t need to explain your lifestyle to anyone. For us we are single, celibate and child free. We are living a stress free and disease free life. We have said no to the real slave plantation. Which is being a punda wife especially in our African context, whites are less enslaving. We have said no to the monkey zoo.

If you want to be a man whore it’s your life and your prerogative. You are not in a war with married men or women. Remember they make up majority of the population. FYI new HIV infections statistics show that married people are the most promiscuous section of Kenyan society . They even surpass sex workers and men who have sex with men combined. So I don’t think they are really jealous of your whoring. They do it much much more.

Finally respect the almighty punane. That is where you and 7 billion others was a parasite for 9 months. It’s only an idiot who insults where they came from.

Oh and BTW the only MGTOW I respect are those who have nothing to do with women. If you are obsessed with sex with women you are not going your own way. Going your own way is someone like me who has nothing to do with men. If you can not stay for a month with out sex, you are obsessed with women, you are not going your own way. Change the name of your cult to manwhores who do not want to get married but can’t live without women . Watu wa going their own way, don’t deal with the opposite sex unless mama fua which most of you mgtow end up sleeping with anyway coz you have zero self control and you are here insulting women and married men bcz you can not control your penis. You will sleep with anyone including sex workers who have slept with 30 men before you. This lifestyle is a very pathetic lifestyle. I side with @Yuletapeli MGTOW are confused elements that is why they need a support group bcz they’re getting ready to join ARV support group. We were all sired by married men and women and we love and respect them for the sacrifices they made for us. Nyinyi maubwa Malaya just shurrup there’s nothing you can tell us.

Nimesoma. It’s a really well thought out article. You should read.

From your comment, naona tu uko na makasiriko that people are getting laid out there while you are not.

Kukulwa si mbaya Makena, find someone decent, get tested and get fuckked.

1000 words just to say you are a homo syexual

Take one for the team bro…we are confident you’ll emerge victorious

Preach sistah !


Whoever hurt you did a number on you.

Basically this means 99 percent of us were born by whores because our mothers also went to school and got good jobs ?
Whatever you are smoking ,nyonga it and throw it away.

@nyundo wa komeo ile court case yako ya kukula minor ilifika wapi?


Niaje old hag? When is the last time you wash and shave the gray hair on your pussy?

Ok kile mi naelewa kwa hii post, OP meets women. Asks if they are DTF. If they say yes, he has unprotected sex with them, doesn’t bother to take them to a date. He rarely meets new women, so either he rarely has sex or he retains the ones he gets over long periods of time, without taking them to dates. Also OP seems to hold women in very low regard.
After reading all this, am curious to know what kind of women OP has sex with. Are you running around fucking mad women in marketplaces ama?

Oh and BTW the only MGTOW I respect are those who have nothing to do with women. If you are obsessed with sex with women you are not going your own way.

Very true, there is nothing such as Men going their own way unless they are talking about gaysm…