Poleni sana
Speaker -luhya
Prime cabinet secretary- Luhya
Gnash and wail harder
the very tribalism you are talking about doesnt exist among the common Luhya folk.Thats why i have said if their numbers remain that high,literacy levels cross the 95% threshold and the usual politicians with their games fade away,a luhya has the greatest chance to lead this country.
i say that fully aware some of the smartest kenyans,or rich,or succesful kenyans you know are Luhyas but u probably think they are Luos or members of your tribe.They rarely show off.No Kenyan tribe has anything against them except jokes,jokes,jokes
You have not digested a single thing that I have written above …
Most of You in here are already rabid and beyond redemption …
Abandu sio kabila moja, ati kwanza Luhya is a British colonialist creation. ata kuna wa Teso (omtatah types) wanataka county yao sababu hao sio abandu
Usitaje god’s chosen people na jaluo in the same sentence
Sasa kua mvuvi lake Victoria,na kukula widows wa ukimwi si ni soft labor Kwa wajaluo?
Akuje tufanye coalishen na GEMA
Ikuwe GEMAA au AGEMA or better still KAGEMA
(Kisii, Abaluhya, Gikuyu, Embu, Meru, Akamba)
Bantu coalishen.
Kalonzo President
Omtatah Deputy President
Matiangi Speaker National Assembly
Gachagua Speaker Senate
That coalition will rule this shit hole for a long long time.
We are discussing human beings. Pokot wanaingilia wapi? Wait until we start talking of wild animals.
Confusing gisiis with pokots I think?
@Kanguthi atakuokota aende akukamue
Cc @Abba
You Wish …
The late GEMA kingpin Kihika Kimani and KANU court jester Joseph Kamotho used to tell us the same during the 24 Year evil "Moi Error"…
…“…KANU ni Baba na Mama…”
…“…KANU will rule for 100 Years…”
It did not happen…!!
The Train left the Station a long time ago …
And the Generation Z Revolution of 5 Weeks duration was just the tip of the Iceberg…
The coming Political Tsunami will shake every corner of this Nation …
And the meek will finally inherit this Nation and reap equally from it’s great bounty
Mimi napenda @Simiyu22. I catch up with him all the time.
Can see you are missing my shlong up your dirty anus motherfucker.
Abandu watu nguyaz. My 1st girlfriend was abandu.from kk. Lovely folk.
Instead of abandu why dont we be talking about mbwa koko @rexxsimba and his nyakach kin?
Please talk sense. This are big brains conversations mr. @Nyamgondho
Wacha risto iende whichever direction it chooses buana. You wanna micromanage our jaba base? Because of why? But I will not mind knowing more about nyamgondo wuod ombare.
Cc: @Lionheart :
I often say here …
We have an alarming infestation of some really small Shoe Sized IQ minds in here attempting to engage in Adult conversations by contributing trash insults and what they consider “wise” remarks …
…Fully cognizant of the fact that we exist in a Free speech democracy …
I have on several occassions here beseeched @administrator to cull the destructive excesses of some of the vast population of morons in here or offer them suitable outlets for their vile Juvenile “steam” …
I know I’m the one you’re talking about. You dont even have guts to address me directly without hiding behind the skirts of others for protection. Wewe na watu wa kwenu nyakach will be my targets forever whenever I’m bored.
They are just frustrated by a natural humour and intelligence deficiency. Luckily, they have the Wangapi Tagged and Tamu Kama Sunguch threads to guide them to the succour of CBD granny hovels