A little help here...

Romours going round says that Uhunye na Wajuu have a kid together, so its NOT that easy for Wajuu to step down. This is the main bitterness in CORDMORONS.

Now that I have your attention, my main question here is:

Can someone change the names of ones parent in a birth certificate to another?

I got paged by this guy, and its was too late to notice that he was nothing but a MORON who was after my pussy at the time. During my pregnancy time, I met this understanding guy, well almost the real one that I was looking for, he took me in and helped through emotion and anguish during my pregnancy period.

When I delivered the baby boy, I convinced him to give me a copy of his ID in order to appear as the father of the child on the birth certificate, of which he obliged. The love became sour down the line and I realised my mistake and he as well.

After some years, the MORON, the real father, crept back and I am now convinced that he’s a changed man, but here comes the problem, the birth cert doesn’t read him as the father. Can I change that to reflect him? …and if its possible what are the steps to take coz I think I messed up my kids future.

A parent is parent even if it’s a mad one…its normally advisable as a single mum to get your act right very fast and focus on your child not your juvenile desires. That said I would caution you into bringing any guy into your child’s life unless it’s the real father and it has to be done with a lot of wisdom lest your boy child grow up to think of you as a woman of questionable morals.


I don’t know you! but from your narrative, you are. one opportunistic biatch!


I can see where your mistake was in the first place…I can also see why you will remain a single mother the rest of your life…sorry but that’s the truth.

If that “moron” realises what you were upto…and he will, its just a matter of time…he will leave you again.

Now to answer your question,…I don’t know.


Thats messed up.

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utakuja kuoa huyo single mum huwa umadharau …


Maybe @Nanimpa may help

Hehe sijadharau single mothers…infact I have been searching for hope…I beg for anybody to encourage me, tell me of a positive situation. Purr I have a very open mind, please give me hope

Let us start by defining who is the moron in this saga…

Coz 6 months down the line we might just find ourselves in a similar situation when you realize the moron turned good guy is a moron afterall


kweli ukonashida name si ya nguo

mangaaa wa nyeri ndio hawa sasa

please give the girl some slack; she was juvenile for heaven’s sake…

are morons ever able to shed their moronness?
pity, a child has to be caught up in this melodrama…

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Another afrocinema

let me get this, is it that you need someone to pay your bills or regular shuma ya kulala ndani

oooh boy…

i wld suggest u concentrate on the kid n get ur priorities right…what if two months down the line u realise the ex moron is still a moron? will change the birth cert again?


wewe ni muyinga sana. siunapatia mtoto jina ya baba yake ama yako? naming a chid isnt abt you but abt the kid.

oooh boy…

i wld suggest u concentrate on the kid n get ur priorities right…what if two months down the line u realise the ex moron is still a moron? will change the birth cert again?

Wewe! Wapi mbicha ya harusi…angalau za bridesmaids bwana…ama story ya harusi ilikuwa hekaya?

You can change the fathers name, but not the child’s name