The Lord knows that I didn’t vote for you but you are now president so we all better make the best of this predicament.
Do you want to go down the halls of infamy as the absolute worst president Kenya has ever had? I know you have your pride and would like to be respected once you’re gone so step up to the plate and realise that this isn’t a game.
I never thought you would deliver but even I, am embarrassed by the magnitude of your failures. Look you don’t have to have the answers to everything. Just get experts to run the respective ministries and you can spend your days travelling and borrowing money. If Uhuru had it down pat while drinking daily,it can’t be that hard.
After a period of agonising about your coming to power, I resigned to my fate as a Kenyan . It’s now two years on and things have been going from bad to worse.
Could a miracle happen in 2025, where you start to turn things around and turn the endless blunders on their heads? I believe in miracles.
As we turn a new leaf tonight,after the partying and speeches,release the young people who insulted you and do some soul searching about how you can salvage this trainwreck that is becoming our country.
You are in over your head and if you don’t change course quick we are tanking. Don’t continue on the free fall you are driving our country to ,if not for the fear of God then do it for the 54 Mil people whose lives are literally in your hands.
You might not believe this but I am rooting for you,I will be the happiest person if you succeed because I believe in redemption and restoration. I might not have voted for you but you are what we’ve got for now, don’t let us down anymore. I’m dying for a miracle like millions of Kenyans. Make our dream come true.
Happy New Year 2025