Hey talkers, lately I was having a talk with one of my long time female friends who I never thought would say some stuff, She was just telling me about how cold her DOCTOR boyfriend has grown towards her lately, when she spit it out and said she wanted us to be friends but with benefits; and by benefits its MNYANDUANO!!! Now, this girls boyfriend is my cousin…How do I deal with that shit?? She doesn’t want to her the fact that my cousin is her Fiancee ,she says she knows what she is doing and she sure as hell knows that her Boyfriend is my cousin…Saidieni boy child hapa… Could this be a trap??
Would you be okay if your cousin fucked your girlfriend, fiancé or wife? By the way your question is a very silly question…ukae ujiua hivyo
The only bad hole…
I wonder how vulgar I have to get before Google marks this post as too sexy for ads?
young man, how many times has it been said here that you should keep off other peoples wives/fiancees? more so if you know the other party which in your case is your cousin? it never ends well so keep off them slices however tempting it might be…
your life is more important than that ,let her know she need help and you CAN only be a friend with limit not on bed ! Avoid that mix.
jaribu alau urudi utupee hekaya… Mtoto akilia wembe…
Why she wants you the cousin to ferk her is what you should be asking.
I mean this is someone I’m assuming gets many sexual offers from men on daily basis
Nyandua kwanza ndio tukusaidie
Kula (DryFryHadiKwaMkiaBilaHurumaBilaLubeNaKumwagaNdani), lipa, ondokea. Repeat the cycle as many times but make sure haupatikani. :D:D
Or unirushie thru pass ntatoa za mecho
Chapa kitu ilale. Hapo ni cuzo utakua ume saidia kuachana na mangaa!
aliambukizwa now she wants payback!
and out of the all other family members wewe ndio ametarget
coz u are the goat/ sheep of the family
never cross a family member over some bitch
Hilo ni kosa moja la marehemu
Huyo anakupima akili.
Do not fuck your cousin’s ex. It will break all trust he has in you and hakuna mahali your cuzo anaenda, but the girl will most definitely fade away!
You know the drill…thermal image, kodak negatives, mugshot, et cetera.
Run away and do not look back.
The fact that you’ve asked this here shows that you’ve somehow considered it hehe…let us know how things go. Luwere