:D:D:D:Dconsider changing the brand:D:D:D
(You mean kuchapa kama nyanya Mzee)
@luther daktari kuja saidia tafasari
Trust me, I never even consider it amongst my choices .That’s why it’s the only alcohol that can stay in the cabinet for months.
Kama makende zikipigwa na baridi.:oops:
Mimi hekaya zake na za @Phenomenal Woman huwa inakimbia kwa comments section pekee yake,sipendi mateso.
Hehehe, hiyo Jameson imekuharibikia:D:D:D:Dati kama nini?
You should take wakihara special for a week and trust me ukirudia Jameson nothing will ever find its way kwa kabati
Mboro yangu imesimama tena nkt. Kuja unipatie quma ama nikuanike
“Kichwa tu”
“Whiskey…making people reminisce since the prohibition!”
madam apana ongea mbaya juu ya my fav whisky
@Doltress leo usiku si kichwa tu;);)
kunywa bluemoon polepole
hiyo ndio flavour ya Novida ama Bibo?
@pseudonym is a sex addict
Hao wimmins wakimaliza vodka waende Onyx niambie niwasalimie na ninunue maji
@pseudonym == @Female Perspective
Crap! Now I’m sober.
Long time stranger…I hope you are well.
Ahahaha…I think I saw your thread… Lawds!Pole kwa uchokozi.
Utanianika kwani Mimi ni mahindi?
I am not. Honestly…I just like it good.
That’s disappointing to hear