A dry river bed in Mt. Kenya region

Global warming effects

Wamesafisha miti yote hapo and they expect rain? Bure kabisa. ngombe ici

Mvua imerudi finally

Wapi before pic atleast ueleweke?

Jana usiku around 9pm, I stepped outside, and from the night breeze, I could detect that smell you get when you pour water on scorched earth/soil. I knew kamvua kanakwuom. 5 hours later…boom.

Planet earth was doing fine before Humans were introduced, and it will soon get rid of us

I was going to tell him his picture is useless without another to compare what should be.

Hizo ni Eucalyptus naona next to the river bed? What do you expect?

Kwetu hadi boreholes have run dry:(

There are the before photos. Though nimetoa kwa net…it normally overflows mpaka kwa lami…and a neighbouring ministry of public works office Kuna flood kabisa[ATTACH=full]475730[/ATTACH]


The water levels sometimes go up to the eucalyptus level

Is it a permanent river that originates from (a) spring(s) and or wetlands on the mountainside or one that gets its water from surface runoff when it rains?

Sad state. Catchment area rehabilitation is needed to reverse the situation. Miti za kiasili zipandwe kwa wingi kisha pawe fenced to protect it, magaidi wasiweze ku gain access.

Hasoras waliambiwo na kachakua to go farm in forests.

That scent that lingers after a nice rain is called “petrichor.”

Wow, learn something new everyday.

Not happening anytime soon

Pluviophile: A lover of rain; someone who finds peace of mind and joy during rainy days.

Doesn’t look like the same river. Your dead river bed is too shallow. No way it can carry this amount of water.