Turedio kindly check if uwesmakende is okay
What kind of satan kills and skins a human being!
Every death u accuse Ruto Mt Kenya minions mko down sana
Hannibal Lector, first world countries crimes. MTU amefika self actualisation so anaanza Ku overthink
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Self actualisation! Then we must invert Maslow’s triangle, since such a person has gone beyond what’s human and sunk to the same level with demons.
You sound pained.
Saa hii ndio time poa ya kunyongolo msee mulikosana 2003.
Unamaliza na watu wataweka blame kwingine
Lunjes kill in very brutal ways bana. From burning people in their houses to clubbing their heads to now this? It’s like the whole population consists of mungiki.
Its possible he was skinned before being killed
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