A country for old people

Congrats President Uhuru Kenyatta for appointing the following youths:

Agnes Odhiambo - 60 years
Mabel Imbuga - 68 years old
Jackton Ojwang - 70 years

Thank you Mr. President.

covid 19

I often see a lot of young officers in government offices but obviously this is not being highlighted. Seniority comes with age and so don’t expect slay queens and 20 something dudes to be in charge.

Even in the private sector which I work for there is an unspoken rule that you can’t be in the board unless you are 45 and above. Slay queens and their twerking generation will ruin this country if they are given such huge responsibilities abruptly. Remember the threshold for younger appointments is 30%. Wacha watulize boli kwanza before they can be entrusted with more responsibilities.

True. But we have over 45 people that are very capable to do the job. People over 60 should be retired. One day I know I will be making such appointments na nitakuwa nikitafuta the best from private sector below 60yrs.

Power is taken, not given. William Ruto is ready to take power, at the cost of his life. Youths, are you ready to take power?

Jinga wewe, after independence these guys started working in government in their 30s. Mwai Kibaki for example was Treasury PS at 32, Assistant minister for Finance at 33, and by the time he was 35 he’d been appointed Minister for Commerce. These guys were lucky because the white man had just left so there were lots of job opportunities, but still, they were very young when they held these positions. So this issue of “seniority” is just hogwash. These old cunts simply want to eat until they die. It’s a shame that most served in the government during mtoto ya mbwa’s father’s reign but they still haven’t had enough. This twerking nonsense is just an excuse they use to deny the youth opportunities.

Self entitled kids that think opportunities will be served to them on a silver platter. Work your ass off instead of relying on favors. Typical mindset of Kenyan millennials who can’t hustle to save themselves. Focus where you will be in 15 years or so when you are 40 years old. In the meantime keep twerking if you have nothing better to show.

Typical mentality of the old cunts who’ve run down this country. 98% of the looting, mismanagement, and corruption that are endemic in this country is done by old people. This twerking nonsense is just a way of diverting attention from the fact that you people are miserable failures.

Manze it’s crazy the amount of greed in these ol geezers. I also see it with my own relaz aunts and uncles always wanting to grab more for themselves never mind they have 1 foot in the grave already. This old generation 50+ ndio the problem, wakae u nyumbani they’ve ran out of ideas

Pathetic try that in the other kijiji as I’m not anywhere near being 40 years so if you are still in your teens then by all means I qualify to be old to you. What I’m glad though is that in my 10 or so odd years of my working life I have been surrounded by older and experienced workers to appreciate their contribution.

They can still play an advisory role without accepting jobs that can clearly be done by younger people. Jobs that they’re given, not because of their so-called experience, but due to outright nepotism. Anyone who’s 65 years or older shouldn’t hold a government job. They should be in retirement, private business, or pursuing hobbies. What’s pathetic is that you think you’re special because you’ve worked with older people but dismiss all other young people as jokers who only spend their time twerking.

Yah you are right on one thing. I do think a lot of younger people are jokers. They want to be given opportunities instead of working hard for them. There are some serious young blokes making an impact though but it’s all through sheer hard work. My previous boss was 4 years younger than me. I laugh at the self entitlement of some young people.

Someone has mentioned that after independence the guys who took over were relatively young. Matiba, kibaki, tom Mboya and many others were in their 30s while occupying very senior positions in government.
Had these position been occupied by the so called «wazees» with relevant experience this country could have been different.
ofcourse after indepedence we lacked such people.
Success comes after hard work. And could mean spending many years in School and slowly working yourself up. This can take years.

Not so fast elders…

This is good News as far AS the corona issue is concerned.

Most young people in government are on contract and lack the benefits that their older counterparts have. They also do most of the work

Vijana tuchape kazi na tuwache mihadarati

So what if majority of us fall in that bracket? Ati now we start seeing state institutions being headed by 20 something year olds fresh from campus and living in their parents’ homes. How about those who have been toiling and now are in their 40s and 50s waiting to be promoted?

The narrative in these discussions mostly is that whenever someone hits 35 and above they are too old. So my question is do you think these old people will dish us a managerial position just because of your sour grapes? Zidi kunyongwa na kiwaru and heartburns.

Why do young Kenyans always have an inflated ego? Do you have to be employed by the state? Can’t you do your own hustle? Or seek employment in other places given that state jobs are generally not more paying than the private sector? Or do so called young people go for state executive jobs for something else other than serving? Jipe shughuli if you can’t work hard and wait for our turn in 10 years or so.

Our problem is that the young people are not represented in the country’s plans and policies

You’re one of the few lucky guys who had a smooth transition from school to the workforce, no wonder you’re speaking so arrogantly. No one advocated for a 20-year-old to head a parastatal. That’s stupid, just like it’s stupid to keep appointing old men in their 70s and 80s to government positions. If the over 60s in the civil service are removed, everyone else will rise up the ranks to fill their positions. Meaning the managers will be in their 50s and so on. You must be over 60 coz you’re not grasping this simple concept. Your condescending reference to twerking is also consistent with old people who’ve done nothing but loot this country. Some of these wazee don’t even know how to use simple machines like the basic windows computer, they have nothing new to offer.