9AM To 9PM Six Days A Week AKA 996 Rampant In China. Should Be Enforced In Africa For The Next 200 Years

[li]The 996 schedule compels employees to work from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., six days a week.[/li][li]The schedule is widespread in China, especially among tech companies in China’s Silicon Valley.[/li][li]Chinese workers have blasted the policy on social media for ruining their personal lives.[/li][/ul]
The brutal work schedule known as the “996” has been blamed for making work-life balance impossible, causing unnecessary stress, and even killing workers at some of China’s leading tech companies.
This unwritten rule of many Chinese workplaces has been championed by tech leaders and denounced by workers and activists for years. Here’s what you need to know about the infamous “996.”


[SIZE=5]What is 996 work culture?[/SIZE]
The “996,” a work schedule which encourages or coerces employees to work from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., six days a week, is common among Chinese tech companies and startups. Though the practice is technically prohibited by Chinese law, many companies still enforce the hours informally or formally.

“Working overtime is now normal,” a blogger on Weibo, a Chinese social media platform similar to Twitter, said. “What’s even more scary is that so many young people are already used to this and don’t dare to protest because they know even if they do, it will be useless.”

si tutajaza ktalk server na meffi hadi it overflow coz kenya most of the time you are idle when working


Only way to cure negroes of inborn laziness while at the same updating their jungle software.

Tutafanya kazi Kwa Raha zetu.

What’s the pay?

Negros are not lazy. They just find it hard to pool there collective endeavour into meaning-full economic progress. Mainly due to poor planning. Negros are so hardworking that they were captured and exported in mass for their labor:D:D:D

Iphone city factories. Lots of work going on.


Hizo floods zimeamua, India, China and Russia all facing the same

One thing people don’t understand is that China is still a very poor country. They only survive by controlling the cost of living for everyone. Without big communist government optimizing every aspect of the economy, China will flaunder quickly.

For them to even get close to the wealth level of the US, the economy would need to grow by at least three times its current size. That’s why Chinese firms have to make workers work at least double the amount of US companies at 10% of the pay to remain competitive. The American model of Capitalism is impossible for Chinese firms.

Things like workers union and minimum wages and collective bargaining would quickly disintegrate china. That’s why the only way to end China is to enforce democracy and western capitalism

Also don’t forget that a lot of the wealth is held by a few and most of it is hidden outside China.

Most Chinese and Russian billionaires and millionaires fear their govts so they stash their wealth in offshore accounts otherwise known as CAPITAL FLIGHT. They fear that Xi Jinping could just confiscate everything and hurl you in jail e.g the Ali baba guy in China or the Yukos guy of Russia who was jailed by Putin.

China leads in Capital flight.

As much as $4 trillion is hidden abroad by Chinese mbirrioneas :


The hardest work niggas ever do is to procreate which maybe could be ok, lakini niggas hapa procreate na kuzama msituni .

China today is where America was 70 years ago. If it reaches America’s level, Americans would have long moved to Mars.

The only way to end China??

Why would you want to end it.

They came up with a system that is very successful and the west are envious of them. The west knows their weakness is their system and now you want it to be taken to China for China to suffer like them.

If it weren’t for this system, China would have been as poor as Bangladesh. But their system has enabled them to lift hundreds of millions of people out of poverty.

Western Capitalism and democracy is a scam. It’s a devil’s weapon to promote immorality, LGBTQ chieth and turn the world into Sodom and Gomorrah

That’s just propaganda by the west to criticize the Chinese system of communism.
They are jealous of it of how far it has turned China from a very poor nation to a successful one

Democracy and western capitalism is a scam

China practices capitalism in their economy. Deng Xiaoping called it Socialism with Chinese characteristics. Chinese capitalism is worse and greedier than that found in the west.

Earlier on premier Xiaoping had been jailed by Chairman Mao for his desire to introduce capitalism to China. The same with the father of Xi Jinping, Xi Zhongxun who desired economic reforms. The two said that China was too poor to be able to start socialism. To become a communist state you must have vast wealth which can then be distributed equally. To do that they reversed back to capitalism in 1979, three years after Mao’s death.

As things stand China says that they are politically socialist but it is a lie, China is simply a dictatorship run through party control. The second lie is that in the year 2050 the CCP govt will revert back to full communism. In 2050 they will grab all the wealth or factors of production and finally start the process of socialism towards communism.

Xi Jinping has said that that day will never come but would you trust him if you are a Chinese mbirrionea? You have to keep something outside China JUST IN CASE that day ever comes.

They are a totalitarian dictatorship that is exporting its horrible model to the rest of the world. Some of you talk as if posting on Ktalk would have not immediately led to you being denied internet access, the ability to buy airline tickets and the SGR and your children would have been denied access to good schools, like what they are doing right now with their Black Mirror like social points system.

They indeed came up with a successful system, but thinking the West is envious of them borders on lunacy.
That is like saying Hitler eliminated unemployment under Nazism(which he actually did ) and the rest of Europe was envious of a successful economic model that included gassing Jews and an ambition to occupy the rest of the continent, or claiming the West was envious of Stalinism, which transformed Russia from a peasant nation to a global power, while murdering 60 million people in the process.
The West is not envious of China, especially as long as the Chinese themselves keep wanting to run away to the West and look for all the available legal and illegal ways to attain citizenship in western nations, be it the anchor babies in the US Marshall Islands and Richmond, British Columbia or the flooding of investor visas be it for Canada, Australia, US or previously Cyprus or them simply renouncing China the moment the student visa expires by claiming they support Taiwanese independence, posting the video online then seeking asylum, saying the CCP will persecute them for airing their views . That tells them that China is inferior, because no Westerner is busy looking to find illegal ways to become Chinese, is there???

Rural folk are :D:D:D

Hii tu ni 666 masked