98 bombing.

You guyz wanna tell me why Kenyans have not been properly compensated?

It’s sad.Really sad.

The injured did initially get medical funding and counselling,but this was for only three years from 1999 to 2002. After that the Americans packed up their bags and left.Seems money was poured and i guess thats just it.
FUN FACT: Each American victim or family of the US embassy attacks received $3m, while locally employed staff received $400,000.

Biden alikumbushwa hio stori in 2010 ,hadi leo amejilengesha. Move on and accept


[SIZE=6]Acha tu nicheke…[/SIZE]

yenyewe negroes don’t understand the world we live in…

a freind of mine from msa, his dad died in them murders (Dares Salaam ) and they have only been given peanuts (1000k usd) and that was it. lawyers ndio wamekula hio pesa yote.

Sad bana

Kuna wamasai wanaitea ole p*ssy

They have roads too next to female hostels:D[ATTACH=full]382528[/ATTACH]


Keen eye