92 Die In Sierra Leone While Stealing Oil As Oil Tanker Explodes

Sio Kenya Tu kuna tabia hizi za kifala


Natural selection at work. Vitu zikiendelea hivi by 2100 Africa will be left with geniuses since the dumb ones would have died out.

Don’t compare us with such a Shithole nchi…pliz

What exempts Kenya from that status? Watch the bonobos revert to their default settings next year between June - August and revisit your statement.

Ata ikianguka saa hii naenda kuchota. If am successful, I would be enjoying some thousands while having a good laugh.

Africa ukiwek Pipeline bonobos bado wataiba mafuta…its a bad way to learn but iko very effective

The people who are supposed to build the pipelines are the same ones who own the lorries transporting fuel.

Ktalk prophet of doom a.k.a bonoboste mwenyewe

Darwin is very busy lately

And if unsuccessful it’s painful death or you’d be horrible disfigured if you survive, , not really worth some thousands

Africa problems are similar all over the continent. So nothing new we haven’t experienced here.

Darwin chapa works usitishwe.

:eek:, why do you hate yourself so much that you can risk this for a few lt of fuel?

Atapita na 70% through aztrachieth takataka vaccine

they are breeding faster than darwin can whack them out

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