915 Shootings, 430 DEAD In A Week In The US. Superpower Sh!thole

[SIZE=7]One nation under fire: A week’s glance at gun violence ripping across America[/SIZE]

Karma is paying back The United Sodom Of America for all the genocides it keeps perpetrating overseas. HOPE IT GETS WORSE

Thousands of fans gathered in Wisconsin to celebrate the Milwaukee Bucks’ NBA championship, but scenes of celebration soon turned into chaos when gunfire rang out.
Two shootings broke out early Wednesday in downtown Milwaukee that wounded three, sent people running for their lives and left the community shell-shocked.
The shootings are only a snapshot of the skyrocketing gun violence that has swept the nation in recent months. [SIZE=6][COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]Between Saturday, July 17, and Friday, July 23, the Gun Violence Archive tracked at least 915 shooting incidents – or, a shooting every 12 minutes[/SIZE][SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)] – that left at least 430 people dead and 1,007 [/SIZE]wounded. In total, more than 1,000 were wounded or killed this week alone. These numbers are not static, and are constantly updated as data comes in.



Population control is not working. They thought condom will reduce, it never people are still giving birth. Next was their liberal agenda LGBTQchieth. Hio watu walikataa kuembrace it with open arms. Sasa bunduki ndio ina wipeout people. Wacha ghasia wauane. @Purple where can i buy NRA shares. Nikule dividend mkiuana.


Maumbwa goja wamalizane. USA is an Overrated Sh!thole

Biden’s America.

Munafurahisha Buttco atakuja kukojolea thread

In all this gun violence in hoods should not be factored.