Super Metro- Nelson Mwangi
River of God (ROG) - Kennedy Odhiambo
Double M - Mary Mwangi
Joy Kenya -Patrick Njiru
Forward Travellers-Peter Kiige
TelAviv Travelers -Saleh Ahmad
2NK Sacco - Anne Nyawira
You are very wrong except on double M.
Correction basi ?
hiyo orodha yako ni ghushi kama hujamtaja mkisii hata mmoja ilhali wanadhibiti embasava, tawala, obamana, kasbowa na kimao, na kwengineko.
Na rembo
5/7 Kikuyu. No wonder they are hated by other tribes
We are the Chosen TRIBE
How does 2NK feature in this list?
najua ulitaka Indimaje na kacose sacco
2NK hubeba Naikuru, Naivasha…
ati naivasha? main ni Nyeri, Karatina na Nakuru.
siku hizi ndio kusema Ngong, Karen
Matatu industry transaction is 500M per day
2NK ama?
Kikuyu people started and perfected the art of Matatu saccos. Gava baadaye ikajaribu kuforce ma low IQ ziform sacco lakini bado hawasaidiki. Most are in sacco only by name.
Mataara sacco is probably the biggest in Centro.
Na Latema ni ya wapi
Tel aviv ni Ibrah
Na risen, marvelous na mwamba na umoinner?:D:D
Matatu industry transaction is 500M per day
Hakuna talker hapo?