666 Hujuma Number kila pahali

@maizeroaster cheki hii maneno
Aadhaar number is a 12-digit random number issued by the UIDAI (“Authority”) to the residents of India after satisfying the verification process laid down by the Authority. Any individual, irrespective of age and gender, who is a resident of India, may voluntarily enrol to obtain Aadhaar number. Person willing to enrol has to provide minimal demographic and biometric information during the enrolment process which is totally free of cost. An individual needs to enrol for Aadhaar only once and after de-duplication only one Aadhaar shall be generated, as the uniqueness is achieved through the process of demographic and biometric de-duplication.


??? x2

Sasa hii Hathara number iko different aje na Hujuma si zote ni minyo

Ni hujuma ya India. Nadhani hizi number ni za kuregulate. Informal sector.

Ku-regulate ama ku-ejaculate? It’s just another f-ucking strategy… Peasants hawana bahati dunia hii

It is the USA through the Population Fund, the Carter Foundation, UNDP and affiliated bodies that propagated the one-child policy in China, as well as funding the “voluntary” sterilization of women in India; in an endeavour to de-populate the world!! Mzungu ni shetani tu!!

In 1976 alone, India sterilized 6.2 million men… ya wanawake hata usiongee!!

Now there is an official 2030 UN agenda to “slow down” population growth!!

Indians prefer sons so you can bet they aborted girls more than dudes.