640 Afghans Crammed In A US Military Cargo Plane

The fear that many Afghans have for the Taliban has been vividly captured in a photograph taken from inside a US military flight from Kabul.

The C-17 Globemaster, with a callsign Reach 871, was carrying about 640 Afghans, reportedly more than five times its suggested payload, after hundreds of desperate people flooded the plane on Sunday.


According to US defense officials, the plane took off from the international airport in Afghanistan’s capital Kabul, carrying what is believed to be the largest number of people ever to fly on the C-17, a cargo plane. military that has been used by the United States. The United States and its allies for almost 30 years.

It landed safely in Qatar.

Europe is about to see another wave of middle-eastern asylum seekers. Plus Nigerians trying to convince the system they are actually Afghanis.

Strange that these same people were generally hostile to the western forces and mostly refused to cooperate with the “decadent West” . But they all love to migrate to the west.

America should be contented with watching the world burn.

The total capacity was 800 people on board,.USAF C-17 is one of the beast in the air.



Sad that many are men. What about the elderly, women, and children?

Theses men could fight and defend their city. What a bunch of degenerate cowards.

The sad part, or happy part, depending on what side of the argument you are on, European Human Rights Laws are so strong that if they can’t disprove your case, they have to let you stay. Check out this Nigerian man pretending to be a child.

Movement of jah people.

Quite a beast! It can land to a US city from Kabul!


I wonder if this plane was headed to China, how many people would’ve boarded ?


Yes kidole sambusa


:D:D:D uyu jamaa hunibamba sana

passport was given by uncle london

he claims to be 15 years :smiley:

Hawa west africans hua noma sana. Nakumbuka mwingine (kitambo before biometric passports) alituma passport yake back home, brother wakeakaitumia kukam. Much later on, he imported another relative, first to Spain as a refugee, then baadaye akamleta kwake na kumtengenezea makaratasi.
It’s like they know the system in every country and know how to exploit it. If only they used such genius to improve Nigeria!

Most likely hawa ni single young men who have nothing to loose maybe married ones walibaki makwao wachunge family wakingoja kuchinjwa na Taliban.

I think when it comes down to it, self presevation triumphs over the bigger picture. An individual (you included) will choose to save themselves and not care about the needs of the whole group (in this case the future of Afghanistan)
Nobody remembers foot soldiers.

So, you’ll dash leaving behind your two year old daughter? Even african communities dont do that.