580 million used to clear Bushes by Gatheca

See where you are directing this convo?. Pls tell me who is WSR’s rival in the upcoming Presidential 2022 race.

Don’t question me about who I block. But sina nduma around me so here I go. I do no ever block folk for their views, posts, whatever they wish to say. I have the option to skip them or not comment.

However, I block folk that obsessively stalk and abuse my handle. No apologies to make there. I do not forgive anyone that wakes up from time time and has nothing better to say other than MFW or Shosho this and that. Win win…they can say it where I cannot see them so I do not have to read or respond.

So who is WSR’s rival?

I don’t care to know or find out. What I know is that if anybody is mentioned in a corruption scandal more than once, they should not get the vote. Anything other than that is hypocrisy and trying to justify it is why our country is in the toilet.

Then it should be simple on your part. Stay away from commenting if hakuna candidate you are showing us. Else we shall head to the ballot boxes and vote WSR in. Baba told you not to vote last time…hehehehehe sasa ako Jubilee wining and dining…

If you complain about corruption and then post about supporting a corrupt candidate, I will call you out on your hypocrisy and expose your flawed logic. I am mediocre like that.

Which is good. We are going to vote in a thief. That is for sure. Once again who is WSR’s rival in the race?

The project suffered a problem that plagues many donor projects,the Israelis funded it so they picked the contractor,it just happens that the most politically connected are not always the most competent.
on the other hand,such an ambitious project will always have long odds and numerous teething problems,it would be naive to expect it to be all smooth. Pioneers get slaughtered,so the settlers can prosper, what we need to do now is to have another go with our own cash, maybe using NYS.

Now you just want to provoke me into something else, no constructive response left in you.

According to you, there was none in the 1st place. So who is WSR’s rival? hata huna habari. So WSR it is for most CENDRO voters. It is his for the taking.

A feasibilty study was done by KALRO (formerly KARI). They found the project wasn’t commercially viable. Lol even Israelis failed to atleast break even. Hehe

the israelis were sabotaged .
the govt lost interest in the project

The Israelis have undertaken 140 similar projects with success. Kenya we’re just Africans. Bogus noise makers with nothing to show for it on the global arena.

He’s just another thieving gangster like Uhuru

Yeap, but he can’t be arm twisted by other cartels like Uhuru

This project, we discussed it here and concluded that it was bound to fail

You do know voting is optional, right?

Lemme ask you…uko kwa stage and the only mat available has a driver who is clearly impaired. Do you still board it ama you make alternative arrangements?

Shosh ebu rate your beauty on a scale of 1-10… 1 being kuchapa ukuta and 10 being Keri Hilsonish.

What do you think?

Voting is indeed optional. And when folk refuse to vote they should not blame those who voted and who they voted for.