Wars and rumors of war.
Waislamu vichwa zao Huwa mbaya. Sons of the devil himself
Terrorism is not just a confine of extreme religious beliefs. Majority of terror victims be it physical violent terror., or slow death terror are the darker peoples in Africa, Latin America, Asia and Oceania through policies and mechanisms of trade imbalances, and sanctions created and imposed to favour the western powers over these people.
Here we go …
Again …!!!
One of the reasons that I really esteem Nelson Madiba Mandela ( RIP ) was that he spoke the truth fearless , no matter who got upset …
Islamists are a funny lot …
One minute, making a lot of clamour Worldwide about Islam phobia and why they cannot wear the Hijab in public , but now amazingly quiet as innocent Catholic worshipers were gunned down during prayer …
President Buhari ( a moslem) needs to take immediate , remedial action …
Justice needs to be delivered quickly , and seen to be done …
I keep saying here , a real prophet does not need a bunch of fanatics to violently propergate his or her agenda …
I have NEVER heard of any Moslem stoned to death or harmed in any way for disrespecting Jesus Christ , Our Lord and Savior …
Religion is a PRIVATE matter between an Individual and his / her GOD …
No one has a right to enforce their religious beliefs or practices in others …
I love what Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere ( RIP ) spoke plainly on this matter during an address to CCM …
President Buhari needs to get a grip on what is happening in Nigeria …
Real leaders must stand up and be counted on this matter…