I was on the fast track to becoming a junguu baby mama but I was told to think about the child and not be selfish, also that God wasn’t down with single motherhood. I listened and let me tell you Maina, it’s so liberating once you get past the decision stage. You now plan your life around something that’s in your hands which is yourself. Not unpredictable external factors. The energy I was going to put into a man and or a child I put it ALL into myself. The money and time I could have put into my mullato kid ,I put it into myself. It’s an amazing place to be. Choose yourself.
Go for therapy. In a few months you’ll be scouting for ben10’s. That’s not how we are meant to live .
Someone is profiting off this hulabaloo ,it’s not natural,just like the junk we consume.
I have no right to tell you this ,I stand on no moral ground. Just do your own introspection.
All females of living things reproduce when they reach reproductive age. Seems humans (Homo sapiens) is the only species iko na shida.
Well in this economy I can’t afford a Benten. I’m not Betty Kyallo. I need a sugar daddy maybe . What am I supposed to introspect about? That some man I thought loved me and hasnt femicided me over some asinine crap? I have other things to think about, like how my quality of life can get better inspite of this wack administration. I don’t have the time or energy to think about anything but myself and maybe my immediate family.
Do you know what the strongest urge in the human animal is? It’s SELF PRESERVATION. That’s what comes first and it’s how humans especially weaker ones like women and children were meant to live. Self centered to ensure their self preservation.
Do you know that in the US alone there are half a million children in foster care? Humans should cut back on giving birth. The planet is overloaded already. Climate change proves it. Population growth isn’t good for the environment.
nipee kuma
I wonder what mental gymnastics the strong independent crowd will be exercising to rationalize such a sorry state of affairs
@TrumanCapote ww kama patron saint ya feminism might have to compromise on em chimps
Arabs are also jungus
What’s childfree?
Being childless is not being free. It’s wasting human resources.
US has a population of 350m. So 500k is just 0.000025% of population. I think that a woman without kids past age 35, she should think twice. By the time the child is 10, she’s 45. By the time the kid hits teenage 13, she’s almost 50. A 50 year old with a teenage girl as a kid is a huge challenge, when it’s her first child. Worse is get a child at 45, she turn teenage when you are 60. First of all that’s a grandmother to child relationship not mother to child. Can easily find your mulato child sleeping with the shamba boy, while you nurse slowing knees at that age.
There’s a learning curve to taking care of teenage kids, lots of paths to navigate.
Don’t worry. Muthambi clan will not leave one of their owns’ life go to waste. They have a man arranged for her, as a 3rd wife.
Which resources are being wasted? You are making money and using it yourself. It’s called compound interest in my books
Merus are not polygamists like luhyas. Maybe you Luhyas need to deal with poverty first before giving birth like rats
Your flesh and your time on earth are resources given to you by Nature. These are the fundamendoes😅 Why do you think you exist? The prickly truth as I see it is that the earth could do without people. The animals the mountains, valleys, rivers and the seas don’t need us. Grass and trees would grow and animal life wold flourish even better without humans. Yet we are here to see and enjoy them, why? Because life has a purpose, which is simply to propagate and perpetuate itself. There are no mysterious meanings of life that some people keep searching for. You are there to live and pass on life, so others may live too. To do that you are equipped with a body and given time in which to do it. Some people squander these resources without seeing them as such and that’s why they reason as you do.
I’m not going to pass on life, I will pass on me that anyone who ever has any significant experience with me will never forget me and I will strive to do the hardest thing for human being to do , transcend earthly things to be one with God. That’s enough purpose for me.
Hehe, I know it sounds like a lofty ideal to say that. That’s a lopsided view of life, though, it’s just an attractive form of self deception. Heaven’s time comes when we die, but you are a human being, not an angel. You are a woman placed on earth by God, to live an earthly life for the years you are given. There’s no confusion in that, except that which you might create for yourself as you pick up doctrines from various quarters. Even some pastors can deceive you, but the facts of life are clear. If you had no earthly purpose you wouldn’t be here.
Becoming one with God IS our earthly purpose.
Revelation 14:13
And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Blessed indeed,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!”
Blessed are the dead, but no one said cursed are the living. Don’t spiritualize everything. You are not dead, so it would do you good to stop acting as if you are.
Every corner tusichana tumebeba mimba , there will always be free supply of pussy . It’s only Malaya wazee washenzi who don’t want to procreate na watamalizwa na fibroids coomer ikiwa infested na kutu
Kujia mbegu