3D printing: nukisha kitunguu

like i said story za base ya jaba …eti what? ‘fast moving brilliant invention’? …this doesnt occur anymore in 2020 in things tangible …its in things intangible …things software

You can’t mass produce with these printers to offset your costs through economies of scale.
3D is for niche products that require urgent turnaround time.
Kama unafikiria unaweza print denso plugs sihau.

Mason leta hii unukishe kitunguu
3D printed houses that cost less than 500k

I said earlier the problem is production…if you can get around this challenge …utanukisha saana

hiyo inventive products ndio tunangoja otherwise tengeneza karai na vikombe tuu

Those mali mali things that you are disputing will easily give you millions.

It’s very easier I learned it in 2 weeks but walinikamua 50k. I learned about 3M cadcam. Scanning,designing na milling.

If you get an artist who is good in 3D design and sculpting. then you will one step ahead of most 3Dprinting firms in Nairobi.
Problem is, there are very few. And those who are good do not seek to be employed.
I know because i am one.

@Randy ni store keeper Kwa hardware ya Patel pale inda.

Thats what most River rd 3D printing firms thought when they started. Now they all 3Dprint the same things…which of course they downloaded online.

Challenges are there but a good entrepreneur tries to different and innovative as possible

Go for it. Inaitwa Additive manufacturing.

Hiyo pesa sina…atleast someone with money can see this thread and get some idea
maybe one day Mungu anipe pia naweza

Step 1: Pick a growing market…In this example home deco
Step 2: Create a unique design
Step 3: Prototype the design (test printing methods, materials, ect)
Step 4: Print product and take quality pics and market online to gauge demand (fb, Instagram, ect)
Step 5: Create a brand and pricing
Step 6: Make money and good luck keeping up with demand :smiley:

Ulitoa mzae kwa stage!!

Hehehe… majority of kenyans are super rigid on building methods. Hii ukileta apa utalilia kwa choo.

Like it or not this is a niche product/ service … you have to have genuine demand for a specific product before think of investing your hard earned cash.
F.y.i kuna jamaa wa mku alikua ameunda a functional prototype.

Prototype ya nini

Ya 3d printer…

@Thiem @Randy @Wanaruona @fisi fc @Kodiaga @paparazzi

Nikona printer nyumbani hadi nimeprint masks na gun inawork but ni risasi nimekosa

Si lazima ujue 3D art ndo uprint kitu but ukitaka kudesign vitu zako, utaneed kujua
Inatake time na utaneed drawing tablet

3D Scanner natumia ni camera nilibuy 2014 na ilicost around 60k

Na ukianza biashara ya kuprint utaneed more than 50 printers ju kuprint kitu ka mask ilitake 23 hours to complete, alafu kuchukua sandpaper kusmooth rough edges. Na pia it consumes power na utaneed good ventilation and plastic ka hii niko nayo ni expensive ka 10k for quality products

Hio ni gazeti ya sijui lini ndo msithink nawachocha hapa

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