Am attending the protests on 31st of May, i know many are disillusioned but if we all keep quiet the thieves will only get bolder.
The last time i attended a political rally was in the 2005 referendum.
I feel indebted by those who came before us, those who braced the tear-gas during the fight for multi-party politics…i feel that time has come to play my role too.
Let us all do.
I know Kenyans of late have become so self-centered, lets for once forget the individual,
Its time for communal suffering.
Depends on who will lead it. Kama ni bloggers/politicians/these evil society and church heads we know, then it’ll be a big PASS! Hi inataka common mwananchi mwenye hajulikani, someone who’ll set himself ablaze during the climax of the protests. Of those I’ve mentioned above, is there any who can self-immolate?