The comments on the video are so discouraging.
Izo ni kama dorm za shule. Hapo kwa gate kuna watchmen powerful kuliko wenye wamenunua izo apartments. Hapana ishi kwa 3 bedroom hostel
This place isn’t good for mental growth
This is the future. There will be no kibera and mathare just concrete houses like these. Wale wanacritisize are obviously not familiar with concrete slums in places like pipeline, huruma and githurai. Those places look worse than this. Open sewers, garbage, lack of paved roads, poor architecture, some buildings aren’t even painted lakini suddenly kenyans are too good for greatwall. SMH.
It depends on what you want. 3 br apartments there go for approx 30k rent. If you buying just one, then maybe not worth it. You should buy minimum 10 to rent out giving you liveable cashflow of 300k a month. Buying one ni stress tupu
Congested too much.
Is there enough clean air to breath really?.
Some Jontez will be there too as spies for their comrades.
Only a kehee qould pay 3M. Alafu ujue bado kuna kesi between developer na breweries. Saa hii kesi imestall juu developer ako na lawyers na means but when the project is done and owners get their houses, they won’t hve the power to stop the brewery. Saa hii kamae yote inaenda kubomolewa juu peasants ni ngumu kukam together. Brewery is just biding their time to harass poor buyers .
This is a good development. High density living with good planning. 100 times better than pipeline.
Brewery gani?
That is a lot of risk
They are currently involved in a bitter war with London Distillers Breweries who does not want it built since they will be forced to move. NEMA has been roped in. The whole thing is still in limbo. Great Wall are just holding off the courts until they sell the units. Wakishauza wajikate vinyangarika waachwe wakipigana chokosh wars na London Distillers na deep state wa NEMA. Ndio maana every unit is CASH BASIS. Hawakubali payment plans. Lipa ukiendaga bila tress you utapamban na hali ako baadae
Bonobos are very good at criticizing and setting standards yet their own estates look like toilets. Mtu anaishia Eastlando anatoa wapi guts za kucriticize Greatwall apartments?
My friend has a house huko, si kubaya. Besides, kupata nyumba at that price hii Nairobi ni ngumu.
It also depends on your financial situation. If what you have in ur bank account is 31m, dont do it. But, kama uko na 500m or if you have asets worth that kwa bank, then why not?
The bottom line is not to risk your lifestyle. If you loose money basi sawa. But loosing ur lifestyle sio sawa
why can’t CJ & co. and executive sit and give direction on such sensitive matters instead of frustrating innocent citizens.
It’s not that bad. Only that the developer was mean with space. Infact the 3m is good entry price for the low cost housing.
Furthermore this the average most employees can qualify as Bank loans.
Unapata wale wanaishi kwa vitongoji duni ndo hua wanakuanga na mdomo mingi.
You getting it wrong man. You need trees and space which directly relates to your mental stamina. This place is just concrete hard. Na baado sapiens haven’t moved in to make the place more miserable. Being anti-crowd I can’t live here even visit.
I get you. Unfortunately its what 3m can get you and still comfortably commute to place of work.