Influencer Carol Acosta, known as Killadamente, has died. The 27-year-old is said to have choked while eating dinner with her family in a shocking death.
Influencer Carol Acosta, known as Killadamente, has died. The 27-year-old is said to have choked while eating dinner with her family in a shocking death.
Pole kwao, its good she was with family, otherwise ungesikia ‘FEMICIDE!’
…27? no way she looks 40. Otherwise ni life tu, tutasemaje sasa
GMO ime mess wao. Sir Alex Ferguson can introduce Wayne Rooney as their last born.
Who are these people?
Amerifat amerimutt mullatto pig
How did this fat fuck get 6M followers? Yani kuna at least 6M @rexxsimba types thirsting after her. Wonders never cease.
Hata kitabu kitakatifu hukemea ULAFI.
She looks 38
No need to be so nasty about a dead person who did you no harm, whom you’ve even never met.