2022 Nairobi Gubernatorial elections. Babu Owino is in.


If that is the actual plan, nitahama Nairobi.

This governor shiet is losing value day in day out.

In a civilised society, we would wait to see what sort of developments these clowns will do for their electorate before we decide whom to vote for…in a shithole country we vote for other reasons

The Prohibition Era in the United State, saw lowlife and petty criminals who ventured in booze, becoming CEO’s of illegal enterprises worth billions of dollars.
What is it with Kenyan politics, that is attracting all these unsavoury characters into politics ?

Nairobi ought not to be a county !
It will be a capital city under National government, , the constitutional changes we need .

Na kwani hicho kiti kimetengewa mtu wa Nyanza pekee yake? Sonko was clearly euphoria voting. Wacha hata mPokot, Mdigo au Rendille akionje pia.

We have people like Mukhisa Kituyi who should run for Nairobi Governor.

When I’m Nairobi visiting relatives. What amazes me most is how the populace is sophisticated.
But seeing how the city is trashed, and generally how it lacks order.
I always wonder where Nairobians are missing the points. I mean, all the university graduates are concentrated in this city, but can’t organize society.

Mukhisa is a good pick, but I don’t know if he is willing to get dirty in the name of becoming a Governor, unless he is assured of winning.

If this padlock monger becomes governor I move

It was under the national government for a long time. Was it any better?

Kenyan politics cannot even attract flies. It is the power and money you can steal if you buy an election that the low lives salivate for. Interestingly, we all know this but can’t help ourselves. It’s as if wananchi also get amorous after getting raped.

Most of these people are recent immigrants to Nairobi from mashambani, or late 80s and 90s kids they have no idea how this city was apart from a few tbt fotos, so to them thats how a city should look

Nairobi means a sober mind. A man that has a plan and has an abrasive nature. That is why I still think Miguna Miguna is the man.
Babu is not mature enough to be a governor. Akae bunge for another 3 terms hivi

Kidero was all of the above…only his plan was to eat as much and as fast as possible… Nairobi needs a matiangi/michuki like figure

and get 0 votes because they are from the ‘wrong tribe’? Tribalism is more pronounced in Nairobi than anywhere else in the country. Just see how tribes distribute themselves in low income areas e.g. pipeline, kahawa, Eastleigh, kawangware, kibera…you can even tell where each tribe lives

You sure are not putting Babu below illiterate Sonko, are you?

That’s the ideal environment but with the thuggish system that we’ve become accustomed to, this might actually see the light of day.

I always hold a belief that everything has its phase.