200k business idea:Container shops

So i was thinkining the other day if i had 200k to burn i would probably buy a 40ft container,divide it into 4 small stalls and rent it out.One such stall would be fetching around 4k/month ,in total 16k;good money to clean eyes at liddos and get a full body massage on fridays pale hurlingam.

About the market everyone is looking for a place to start a business starting from these mpesa guyz,kinyozis,small peducure stalls,wasee wa kuuza movies,cereals,mitumba etc.

The only limitation i can think of is finding space to place them cuz of late kila mahali along the roads are occupied with either shops,trenches etc.So if i can find a strategic location to place the container without being sumbuad by kanjo i guess the onion should really smell.
What you guys think?

A fool and his money…

That container + fabrication cannot be 200k

200k for a 40ft container, and still fabricate it into shops?

Total cost of the container ni btwn 550 -600k

Samehea yeye…

A very noble idea.

600k for a complete fabricated 40ft container with shutter doors…550k with kawaida doors.
And still not connected electricity to the shops.

:slight_smile: Where are they selling 40ft containers at less than 100k ?
Because you have not factored in the papers, transport to destination, leasing an empty lot, refurbishing the container and licenses from the county.

Mwambie transport pekee will not be less than 20k hata kama inatolewa mlolongo to cabanas :D:D that’s not including forklift services…

Kwanza forklift charges by the hour.
I had not even factored that in.

Hawa wasee hukaa idle hata 2 weeks lakini akipata kazi anacharge hadi unashindwa kwani una hire ama anakuuzia!

:D:D wanacharge from the time it leaves their premise.ole wako kuwe na jam.Hesabu huanza kuharibikia hapo.

Usually you just make sure the truck that is delivering the container has that arm for lifting and dropping it. But it will cost more than 20k, thats for sure

Pitia pale Allsopps uone ni container ngapi za watu zimelalishwa side zingine upside down.
Hii county government ya Sonko haitaki ujinga.

Yep, with roller shutter doors.
Stima haizezi kula more than 20k

Hiyo base imenyakuliwa ama…Hapo mall inawesmake

Wakenya baana

Check with the local county if they have spaces to lease.
Perhaps you don’t need the space, you need people with the space, who are looking for space but can’t build a big structure.

I think they plan to redesign that area due to traffic congestion.