2008 VW Golf or 2005 Legacy B5?

Which one of the two would you recommend? Upgrading from a vitz.

Which Golf (GTI or R) and which legacy (GT maybe)?

Golf GTI and yes, Legacy GT

Chukua Legacy… more powerful and spacious.

Buying a car that’s been used locally is stressful… ungejazajaza ulete from across the sea …

Chukua zote dadii

Skiza huyu mujamaa bro. Gari local zinakuanga na issues mob sana. Kabla umalizane kurestore unaezaspend ata 300k.

Avoid Bh5 kama chawa. Kwa local, utaishi garage

Golf GTi man. Newer, easier to get power from (tune), more comfortable, safer, handles better, looks better (my opinion).