1990 to 2020 :what happened here?


Waindi kwanza wajengee choo. Hii tabia ya kuhara ovyo ovyo kwa streets ndio ina changia global warming.

India’s politics that is greatly informed by hinduism and it’s attendant caste system is their big undoing

It’s unbelievable that imperial China was once isolated, before Mao’s cultural + industrial reforms put the nation on the world map.

you are the leaders you chose

True. Radical change in Africa should focus first in self-evaluation. Why do we see ourselves as outcast (as Europeans labeled us)? Why the persistent negative tribalism in seeing other communities as enemies rather than allies? The divide and rule policy enforced on Africans and adoption of western wayward cultures and values has kept us trapped in an “ant death spiral" Unaeza fikiria Christianity is Africa making vile we bonobos support and fight to preserve it, yet this white man’s religion was used to justify slavery and colonization. Chinese who worship Buddha and Indians who adore a pantheon of Hindu gods are taking over the world while keeping their old ways intact. As Africans, do we still need this white Jesus god that we revere as if he is the all-powerful, omnipresent Nyasaye, mwene nyaga or Were?

laughable chieth