You can take a villager out if the village but can’t the village out of him. Kumbe hizi stories of people cooking na kuni in apartments is true.
on a serious note, gas na makaa ni nini expee unless unachemsha githeri ama kichwa ya rhino for supu kama @Motokubwa
Na hivo ndio shida za kuwa landlord huwa.
Hii ni akina @Bingwa Scrotum kama tenant
Unaasha moto juu ya tiles enyewe kamwana ametumaliza sana
Gatheca ni umbwa sana watoe io tax ya cooking banae, wairushe kwa petrol ilipwe na ma3 na watu ya nduthi
wah…people have to survive, shida si mchezo
Low income tenants. Unfortunately, people dont factor repairs as a considerable cost when doing their mathematics.
Kuna some.Sudanese waliingia kwa nyumba ya beshte yangu langata way back in 2008. Rent walikuwa wanalipa 6 months in advance so the fucker had no reason to visit or so he thought. Ile Siku walihama jamaa kwenda huko hakuamini macho yake. Kwa kitchen kulikuwa na fireplace ya mawe tatu na ukuta ni black na soot. Milango ya wardrobes walikuwa wameng’oa wakaifanya kuni kitambo sana. Choo na bafu hata tusiongee.
Sudanese mambo mbaya kama tenants… Hio ndio tabia yao infact Kuna wengine had started removing timber from the roof wakipikia okra na ile chapati yao kubwa kama kichwa ya @Kodiaga. Landlord noticed when bat’s snakes owls and alley cats started flying from the roof after a section collapsed. Walipika na ceiling yote hadi wakaanza kungoa mbao banae
They are followed closely by Somalis. Good at paying rent but hujui ni watu wangapi wanaishi kwa hio nyumba. Bibi na bwana watatokelezea at the time of renting but will soon be followed by several relatives. In no time, the house becomes a little.Mogadishu. uchafu nayo!
wachia @ChifuMbitika uongo ya my friend/cousin . hii hekaya ya waSUDANESE imekuwa kwa internet since 1920
Enda estate yoyote useme wewe ni sudanese unatafuta nyumba urudi utwambie.
msudi huonekana si lazima aseme