Fool and his money…
That nigga paid 15k for nudes. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D and then he hanged his dirty linen in public like it was some sort of achievement :D:D:D:D:D:D:D He non other than @chap
Hehe … umesema ni kasee?
Mshenzi na pesa zake. Truly an idiot is born everyday
A man who knows to control his sexual desires will never fall prey to even female angels
Na vile signal yake ni ya H+, huyo ni muchamaa wa ushago pwana
Every morning in Africa, a fool lands in Nairobi and some remain just that: fools.
Ati 15k for nudes??
I have never understood hii story ya kununua nudes or pay for fon sex. Just get the real thing
That nigga deserves a Nobel award for stupidity,WTF
Mbona unacheka hivyo?? Ama ni wewe umemcatfish?
Nacheka juu people can do silly stuff when they have money to burn
Probably took a loan from Tala to set his eyes on the alleged pucci
Hii inakaa fake
Well this is not stupidity, watu wakiambiwa bangi sio ya kila mtu. The catfished takes “watu wengine wakilipa kuna mtu anapata bure” to another level. Somebody get him, for 15k supply him pics and videos hata akitaka hard copy :D:D:D:D:D
:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D it does happen ni vile victims kama @Douchebag never go public
Unanunua nudes, then?
you guys are so stupid, this guy is just looking for attention… hakuna pesa ametuma, ati 3k for lunch, he is probably running both accounts, or is friends with the “catfish”