11 Year Old Prodigy Earns MSc Engineering

A young girl who was bullied for being autistic may have a higher IQ than Stephen Hawking or Albert Einstein.

Adhara Maite Pérez Sánchez, an 11-year-old from Tláhuac, Mexico, is being described as a prodigy by many after recently graduating with a degree in Systems Engineering. She is now going on to study industrial engineering.
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The extraordinary girl has a passion for astronomy and space, expressing the dream to become the first Mexican woman to travel to space as an astronaut and has given talks about her interest and knowledge of aerospace.


Anakaa lanye wa Good Hope

That’s a child for heaven’s sake. :meffi::meffi:

I think that is this is denying a child their childhood. These people usually end up leading nothing but ordinary lives. That means you rushed a kids through school, didn’t leave them time to enjoy with their peers and then threw them into the workforce early in life.

This must be @uwesmake protégé, always making subtle weird comments on where he inserts his wiener whenever he gets a chance.

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