@Mkufuu @The.black.templer @Deorro @Okiya have you guys seen thissl 1000 rides happening at Karura on Saturday, rink ndio hii https://mobile.facebook.com/1000Rides-407868936058951/?refid=46&sld=eyJzZWFyY2hfc2lkIjoiMzc3M2YxNWUxN2ZjZTIzMDkxMThiMjA2MTU1NDdkYWIiLCJxdWVyeSI6IjEwMDAgcmlkZXMiLCJzZWFyY2hfdHlwZSI6IlNlYXJjaCIsInNlcXVlbmNlX2lkIjoxNTU2ODgzNzE1LCJwYWdlX251bWJlciI6MSwiZmlsdGVyX3R5cGUiOiJTZWFyY2giLCJlbnRfaWQiOjQwNzg2ODkzNjA1ODk1MSwicG9zaXRpb24iOjAsInJlc3VsdF90eXBlIjoyNzR9 And they are in PD today
Nice though my current schedule too busy to allow me do a thing
I know the group and I have met the crew. They are nice chaps and very welcoming. I will be cycling on Saturday but sitaenda Karura instead nitaenda for something more demanding. The karura thing is a fun ride now.
Very soon Checki Maneno will go pro ama niaje @Mkufuu
Sure…you guys gave me a challenge, I have been improving…now Karura seems like a waste of time…lazima nibuild stamina kwa tougher terrain. I’ll be back in thika very soon hata limuru nitajaribu niki-improve skill.