10 Poorest Countries in Africa


The ten poorest countries in Africa, with their GDP per capita, are:
[li]Somalia ($500)[/li][li]Central African Republic ($681)[/li][li]Democratic Republic of the Congo ($785)[/li][li]Burundi ($808)[/li][li]Liberia ($867)[/li][li]Niger ($1,153)[/li][li]Malawi ($1,172)[/li][li]Mozambique ($1,266)[/li][li]Eritrea ($1,434)[/li][li]South Sudan ($1,503)[/li][/ol]

DRC is richer than all African countries but Belgium na france wont allow stability so that they can keep on syphoning the minerals

In africa we are all poor. Tofauti tu ni kevel of poverty

The error begins with classifying Somalia as african country.

It’s a shithole which should be cleared out of map permanently. Ghassia hii toka eastleigh ama tukutumia hessi wa dadora

Somalia belongs in the Arab league of countries

Google it up

I agree, im offended that they included such poor low iq nation zoomalia with africa.

Noo, its congolese people who are week and cant protect themselves… The west also want to destibilize Iran and China but it doesn’t happen because they wont let them. D.R.C should be the most powerful country in Africa along with Nigeria but its so fuckin weak because of low IQ people living there and ruling it.

what difference does it make , its still a shithole infested with the same subhumans

DRC is a 100% Bantu nation

Why are you involving yourself in african buissness you zoomali?


By “Arab league of countries” unamaanisha Somalia is above Africa by standards?

You said it right

Ungekuwa huko sahii. What are you doing here, in a “lower caliber country”?

Stupid subhuman logic

Wewe naona umejaa scrotum kwa kichwa.
If hio shithole yenu imejaa such delusions of grandeur I can see why you fight anything that moves

Still, not worthy of a human being thinking

Funny unarusha hio word “human being” casually yet mnaishi kama wanyama. Hamuogi, vita 24/7, masomo dash, vitu mnaproduce ni immigrants pekee

Africans are brainless bonobos.