Hi guyz I want a nice house from 15k …anyone can help me up
Houses cost millions. You want one for 15k?
Kwani you want it made out of legos?
I think 15 k p.m month is too much to spend on a one bedroom,if you dont mind the distance,enda Ngong town utapata a decent 2 bedroom for that amount
hahaha ya kurent @nairobilay
most probably he is looking to RENT
@vipersnake ujue hapa kila mtu anaishi Muthaiga and they own their houses outright and drive Ferraris, the best place ni uende facebook group inaitwa, “Who is moving out I move in” you will get all sorts of houses
Check with SEB estates ltd. They are in anniversary towers 14th floor(i think). They are agents for different houses. They may have something in that bracket
And they have model girl friends and wives and in the evening they will be downing their sorrows in 3 star establishments.
And they have swimming pools, jacuuzis, helipads and a runway for private planes
Not to mention yachts and stuff
and ranches in santa fe
ngui umerudi,stupid filthy fag ,grow up arsehole
whatever you do DO NOT touch seb estates with a ten foot pole.
why? i have been in two houses managed by them…bila issues.
watu wana mchezo
Ati ngong road 2 bedroom 15k?? What’s the catch?
Beat the traffic
Ngong town,not ngong road