1.4 billion dollar La gare city project in Addis Ababa


Habesha unasumbua

I have a parcel i want to send to Addis… What’s the best means?

Bora warudishe Ogadenia …or we could just TAKE IT


There’s no such thing as ogadenia

‘We’ do you mean Kenya?

Why do Africans think that Skyscrapers mean advancement or development?

Building skyscrapers in a city with water supply problems is akin to building an iglo in the Sahara. Nairobi has so many 20+ floor buildings with no functioning toilets because there is no water reaching past the second floor. i used to work in Posta Sacco Plaza on University Way, 13th floor and the nearest toilets were on 2nd floor.

Western Europe has very few skyscrapers yet it is eons ahead

Copying without brains.

TPLF italipua hizo vitu zote

Hapo si unaanza kuenda choo mapema, ju kama ni kuhara inaeza kuwa ngori

Consigning money to stone instead of innovation

If the skyscrapers are private investments its none of our buissnesses…

Who is we? Just take it and get a beating worse than Barre got 30 years ago.