0 growth rate for white America is the real reason abor. tion was abolished

Now that is power. The white population must grow.


And guess who championed that for them… an uncle Tom sitting somewhere in the highest court on land…si ndio @Bottoms.

the biggest % of abortion in Murica is in the black demographics, and planned parenthood was establish to make keep in check black population. so, at the end of the day, black population will grow expontentially.

what is this ?

Uliza @Bottoms

Stop being silly. You think whites will change laws to favor blacks? Just go back to Pacific highway hapo federal way, there is a medical Marijuana shop, they sell good THC sativa… please yourself with thy wisdom.

If most elective abortions are procured by black women, then, taking this rights to states means the black population will increase. Where is my logic flawed ?

Insurance companies from Canada have started placing reimbursements and provisions for transport to abor shun friendly states.
Supreme Court ruling was the judges vying for relevance by becoming activists. But modern medicine is not on their side. With Telemedicine, p2 pills can be prescribed from out of state or country and delivered in a matter of minutes.

i’m sure if Roe vs Wade was upheld, the same characters would be here telling us how it’s was meant to continue suppressing the growth of blacks.