Uncleanness :Corpses, morgues, rivers where dead bodies are found


Death isn’t a beautiful thing, so there’s no sane reason to bring it closer to the people

To some people it is. Did you know that morgues should be near water Bodies? Jews have alot of rules. No wonder they are so strict about everything. Have you read about unclean foods?

I don’t know why they should be near water bodies, I guess it’s because of the association of spirits with water? I listened to the video but he didn’t explain that bit.

Do you know something inside just tells you some things aren’t meant to be eaten? Yea, I’ve read about unclean foods, but even without relating them to the OT teaching, some things are just revolting to think of as foods, such as birds of prey, anything that has paws, e.g. rabbits, and reptiles. I wouldn’t taste crocodile meat, even if I’d never read about unclean foods.

What of pork and duck meat?

I want to do a through research on this issue of OT teachings on clean vs unclean. Do you know that the reason the good Samaritan was the only one willing to help the wounded guy was bcz the rest feared touching him and becoming unclean if he was dead?

I like pork, esp. roasted. I’ve never eaten duck. But funny, I think it’s just because I don’t like its hideous mouth, and the webbed feet, hehe.
Of course death is unpleasant, so people want to avoid all its associations as much as possible. Touching dead bodies is generally feared, I guess because people don’t understand death. Even touching a dead animal with bare hands still feels wierd. I remember the first time as a kid when I saw a dead calf being buried I was very frightened. It was the first dead thing I had ever seen.

The first dead thing I saw was some nestlings, my siblings and I were so sad. We did a funeral and buried them. It still makes me abit sad. Life is so precious. I love animals and I am always taking care of strays. I love birds most but I can’t stand the idea of imprisoning one. I put out water and some cereals for them.

Check these guys out

Death is saddening, but necessary. Imagine if all the horrible people you’ve heard of were alive, together? Life would be unbearable. It’s taking human life that’s evil. Even slaughtering a chicken is never easy, even though you enjoy the meat. You’ve got to make the knife real sharp and make a swift cut.

These guys don’t seem to mind being close to death.

Even evil people mellow with age. They become like children again. It’s kind of hard to be mad at an old person. They are frail.

Will watch then comment

Generally, but I must say I’ve met one or two pretty nasty old people. You find it hard to feel compassion for someone who is abusive, even when they are frail.

Can’t imagine living with a corpse in the house for years.

Old age can make anyone cranky.

These practices are certainly strange to people living outside those cultures. They are shocking, in fact impossible, to anyone who has never had to stay for even a night in the presence of a dead body, like you and I. It’s culture that dictates these customs, so that those born into them take them as the norm. Death has a certain disturbing effect that forces man to confront himself at witnessing it, and to wonder, after all the madness of existence and its stinging, lonely end, What is life, and what is it for?!
Traditions usually have an explanation, even though it may not be obvious. To know the meaning, we must ask why people do these things. Why do different peoples of the world have such varied and strange relations with death?
I think that in mankind’s desperate clinging to life, and in an effort to resist death, such practices become necessary as a way of assuming victory and control over both life and death–esp. death, by keeping and “feeding” a lifeless body, as though the dead aren’t dead.
To me, the long and short of it is simply that these things show us that man needs God, to take and wrap away the loss and pain we vainly try to deny. I think forgeting death is important. Burying the dead frees the mind, and hastens healing, since we don’t have to stare at death for too long.