Today is younger african day, nocorona in Tanzania


Long live magu.

They are like Wuhan nowadays, the worst is over and they party everyday!



Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Kenyans are a very stupid lot. If Uhuru had followed Magufool and thousands of Kenyans died these same idiots would be bursting veins yelling how Uhuru is useless. Fools have never heard of the saying “better err on the side of caution” . Don’t just criticize without using your heads.

…Or mapadlock stopped his administration from eating Covid money through cooked figures. Me thinks tulikuwa na a very manageable case load but noooo lazima watu wangekula pesa. Maybe TZ walimaliza cases zao very fast. While watu wetu walifocus on cooking figures for money.

Border ifunguliwe basi. I miss their women

A drunken fool, cock sucking, bottom faggot , and I didn’t even use my head to say that!!

Of course you didn’t.