
[COLOR=rgb(40, 50, 78)]Over the weekend I found myself in the company of half a dozen colleagues paired with a couple of babbling baboons, we occupied the top of an incomplete building where in our splendid ignorance we kissed our gin filled tumblers as would befit a lover.

[COLOR=rgb(40, 50, 78)]The predictable banter of colleagues half~heartedly moping about office conditions occupied the lions share of our afternoon. Dusk crept in unnoticed about us sniffing about like a malevolent mastiff heralded by the distant wail of the police siren reminding us of an uncomfortable truth.

[COLOR=rgb(40, 50, 78)]For a while we were ensconced deep in our thoughts as the whistling wind was punctured by a shuffle of feet or an unbidden cough, we had no apprehension regarding the law enforcement should they wish to inspect the premises since the property was secured by rusty pieces of iron sheets painted an impersonal white.

[COLOR=rgb(40, 50, 78)]From my tan colored plastic seat I gazed upon my white colored plastic cup contents, completely lost in the lazy swirl of its pale gold contents.

[COLOR=rgb(40, 50, 78)]‘I’m honestly scared about this pandemic’ voiced a busty companion of a companion of a colleague to no one in particular, though she said it softly as silk her words inspired terror that a black whip in the hand of Kenyan red beret would.

[COLOR=rgb(40, 50, 78)]All at once people chimed in their opinion ranging from Afya house grim updates to billionaire Bill Gates chip conspiracies, it seemed to me we were all shook to the core. I let their words wash over me as I drank in my gin well watered with their fear of death.

It was all I could do not to blurt out it made no difference, memento mori… the words swam in my ears, reminding me the unknown abyss that lingered about waiting patiently.

Whilst they made supplications to one deity or the other, it struck me how we use religion to mask the dull rhythmic stomp of our boots as we march to our sure demise. Even at that time the structure could crumble upon itself as a crisp biscuit dipped in hot milk, yet it struck not my company of our ill advised choice of nest. Only the Covid-19 threat seemed authentic enough to pose real danger to us.

The disenchantment from the reality brought a bitter laugh from my lips, eyes gazed at me curiously yet what could i say to the merry band of curfew breakers?

So in answer I let loose a crooked smile and lifted my cup to the skies, ‘to life and bad descions’ I declared in a playful tone. As the rest toasted as well laughing they failed to see the smile fell short of embracing my brooding eyes.

Truly the gods had dealt the world a cruel hand, the corona virus is as ambitious as any virus ought to be… yet the misinformation stood out as kind as application of vinegar on a festering wound.

Is this a high school composition?

Kizungu mingi wachia ma-pro kama Joyce Nyairo na Philip Ochieng.

[COLOR=rgb(40, 50, 78)]Yes

[COLOR=rgb(40, 50, 78)]Fvck off

Do you believe the writer should come down to the reader’s level, or vice versa?

[COLOR=rgb(40, 50, 78)]I believe you should fvck off