The Answer In Not That Easy, My Frens...3 Different Formulas....

The answer could be 0 1, or 9.



This, here, is a picture of a man of resolve, and humongous cojones, in the heart of London who had enough of the injustices being perpetrated on minorities in the UK and Stateside and decided to protest in his own way as the bobbies (boobies?) below tried to coax him to come down (seriously no pun intended)! Doesn’t the end justify the means? This man deserves knighthood upon his descent from that pedestal or rather, atop the head of whoever that horseman is where he is comfortably perched,

I say 9, hapo kwa bracket kidogo ingekua chobo but bodmas ilidrumiwa vilvyo.

The answer is 1
Its a fraction. Otherwise don’t introduce multiplicaction or you will be lost.

Looks like 9 to me.

9 if maths was your forte.

Ah,the good ol’ bait ya watu wa BODMAS,BIDMAS and yunaires steits PEMDAS,the ambiguity in that equation depends on how the brackets are understood according to order of operations laws,both 1 and 9 are considered.

9 suffices kama ulisomea under Eliza’s queendom , 1 if abraham lincon was your president at some point. Why 1?,the thing that fcuks up muricans, when you actually count 6/2(1+2), first you get 6/2(3), after that 3(3) so where the fcuk does that multiplication sign comes between those 3’s? is it some kind of generalization or it comes automatically kama ulivyo funzwa religion?

Very well presented and explained my fren. Hesabu evolves…


Common Answers given are 36, 24, 27, 68, 35. Add yours and justify…


1 always deal with the bracket first

  1. 1/2 cup of kelp 2 times per week
  2. 1/2 cup kelp + 1/2 cup sea salt
  3. 1/2 cup sea kelp + 1/4 cup sea salt
    I have been using these three formulas for about 6 months now. I use them in my garden and I am getting great results. I have noticed that the first formula does not work as well as the second and third. I have tried mixing them together and they do not seem to work as good. What would cause this?


Kelp is a seaweed, and contains many different types of minerals. Sea kelp (Laminaria digitata) is a type of kelp that grows along the coastlines of North America and Europe. Kelp is rich in iodine, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, and vitamins A, B12, C, D, E, K, and F. Kelp is high in protein, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids.
Sea kelp is often sold dried and ground into flakes. You may find it at Asian grocery stores. If you cannot find it, you can buy it online.
You can add kelp to any liquid fertilizer. Just sprinkle some onto the top of your liquid fertilizer before adding water.