Slavery & Servitude

[COLOR=rgb(40, 50, 78)]There has been a war waged on sleeping men since the beginning of time and it seems unlikely to wind up anytime soon.

[COLOR=rgb(40, 50, 78)]Every time a Prometheus inspired person attempts a stab at the suffocating blanket of ignorance that lies over the minds of the masses a false intelligence reeking of malice will always rear its ugly head and lull 'em back to slumber.

[COLOR=rgb(40, 50, 78)]Psychopathic characters love to clap shackles upon men using new and dazzling banners, which upon closer inspection are nothing more than tested and subsequently failed spectacularly mantras to dazzle folks.

[COLOR=rgb(40, 50, 78)]I am convinced a man can either employ their baser faculties or apply critical thought, thus a measure of caution in their interactions.

[COLOR=rgb(40, 50, 78)]A community wields a dynamic strength that is far superior to that an individual has the office to.

[COLOR=rgb(40, 50, 78)]The new millennium is hailed as the enlightment age, an Aquarian which promises to roll back the old world order.

[COLOR=rgb(40, 50, 78)]A new world order that promises equality for all and sundry, or so we believe.

[COLOR=rgb(40, 50, 78)]Yet the universe will always be indifferent to an individuals needs, yet will react to a multitudes.

[COLOR=rgb(40, 50, 78)]In summary living for another is the point of life, living for self is a reptilian lie which sheds its skin over and over and over again.

Wrong forum

[COLOR=rgb(40, 50, 78)]No? Which is the right one?

Another place another time, look around you we are in the midst of kunguru experts, their thing is all about loose women

[COLOR=rgb(40, 50, 78)]So be it, one does their part and let others do what they want

Remember not to give your valuables to pigs

[COLOR=rgb(40, 50, 78)]Is there a noble market you are aware of?
I’d sooner gain value for it

At the moment no

[COLOR=rgb(40, 50, 78)]Keep me in the loop when that changes

Sure do

The last paragraph captures the calling of man in full detail
This is the alignment of us men to nature and to the universe to produce good, enable good and think good. This is basically the heaven that we all want to see and some religions have taken belief in.
Great post.

[COLOR=rgb(40, 50, 78)]Thank you, I’ve gradually come to that conclusion

“A new world order that promises equality for all and sundry, or so we believe.”
What was wrong with the older world order, and the others before, were they not onces the New World Order of the time!!!
A new world order in the hearts and thoughts of man will overcome all new world orders of the ages and the present.

[COLOR=rgb(40, 50, 78)]The old world order is based on bloodlines I.e monarchs, Feudalism etc. The war waged against such has the colorful banner to sweep men off their feet.