Nakuru Safcom poor internet,calls signals

Just hapa Naka area na calls are dropping,struggling to make a call.
Internet is worse,can’t sustain a connection for more than a minute.
What changed,do airport(KAA) and army interfere with these signal.Telkom used to be good,it is worst.
The place has just been elevated to a city status na hizi mashida …aargghh

Pigia safaricom uwaulize ghaseer

Tingisha simu na uchape chape ma slaps kadhaa itafanya

Launch a complaint on the official Facebook page of Safaricom. They will respond

It because of the mass migration occasioned by the festivities. Whether it is 2nd gen, 3rd gen GSM or LTE, they all utilise Time Division multiplexing to allocate your call a slot to transmit and receive.
In an occasion when many phones are crammed up in a cell, the local Base service Center will struggle to accommodate all the switching due to demand. It is in such situations where you find you have full network bars on your mobile phone, but you still struggle to make calls go through. Many Telcos do planned BSC rehoming before and after festivities as a preemptive measure.

my son how are you doing?
I remember that night with nostalagia

Makes a lot of sense.10yrs ago I wanted to join that field but i failed Alcatel’s UMTS exams.Your explanation just reminded me of that call connection theory btn BTS