Mysterious fires.

This week has been characterized by fires in many parts of the world whose origin is unexplainable. From Beirut to Dubai and even here in Nairobi. There is a verse in the Bible that talks about ‘miraculous’ fires in the end times. Revelation 13:13. See it below.

This is ignorance. I the past, we have had fires that ate up whole cities… And the world didnt end.

the day is 31st August 2020

…they will be soon.

Chicago 1871…cow caused it
Idaho 1910
Moscow1812…russian troops to deter napoleon
Santander ,spain 1941…tinder houses
Dhaka 2010 …transformer

To name but a few. These are fires with iver 100+ victims. Your end time verse seems to be defective

what if dragons have a small girls voice? or have you ever heard of a dragon speaking

They are spiritual dragons but not actual ones

But these fires didn’t come down from heaven, no?