Museum Tour Recorded huko Egypt...(With Guide) ...proof that africans built egypt

Where are the nay sayers ?

fyi …khemet is one of the oldest civilisations…probably the first civilidation with written records …since they invented writing …but history got changed coz the black man was seen as inferior savages by the racist historians .

@T.Vercetti @forestmonkey @Ndindu

all that might/is true, but where are we now?
what are we doing now?

history is good, but if it isnt making the present better, its just History

When the history of the black man is stolen, then they forget who they are a person, community, society and race. The bonobo, low IQ and chimps come to mind to many due to the many challenges African face. If watu wangejua the true Africa, look at ancient maps from 1700s in Princeton University and you will find what Africa is all about. Every history happened because of Africa, hadi maps had to be changed, white washing, north and south became vice versa.

What are we doing now? What the colonizers want us to do, and people like it

Ooh how low we’ve fallen

I wish to teach my kids this type of knowledge I wonder which school has a proper curriculum not whitewash colonizer history

The past determines the present and the future… The europeans changed the past history to claim authority over other races todate…that’s even why jesus is white na alizaliwa huko bethlehemchieth … they made up a lie to be on top…

This african history imefanya watu wafungue youtube pan african channels to spread african unity and awareness … , so usiseme history is insignificant…

If you want to be shocked to death about african history , watch these videos …go to the channels and explore more content …

( Explore respective channels for more content )

Asanta sana mkuu @LuandaMagere , you is a hero

Keep them coming

The idea is that , africans wamekaliwa and they are coming back together under pan africanism…

One result of this pan africanism trend now is that , africans from around the world are being asked to come and build the continent …there are plans to develop an african media house like cnn , plans to buy a satellite are underway …they have already created an investment wealth fund by africans to biuld african projects to compete with the chinese from taking govt projects

The former African Union ambassador Dr arikana is involved …she was fired from African Union post by france after this video of her went viral…

Here s the video about the african wealth fund…

this is good news.
all the best to us

Africans are low IQ bonobos and there’s absolutely no way they could have built the pyramids. If they had this technology in them, why were our grandparents living in mud huts?