Love hurts

Loving someone is a huge risk. I always look at the risk Jesus took and I am like wow! Talk about dying for some ungrateful people. Now sometime back my friend was caught up in some criminal activity with her husband. She was about to go to jail was how bad it was. This is someone I love dearly as a friend and she’s one of my prayer partners. We have been through alot together. We have mutual friends too. Believers. So when it happened I was stressed, depressed, sad, angry and in shock at the same time. I didn’t sleep well for like a week.

After I calmed down. I went to several people including the pastor of the church I go to for lunch hour fellowship. To ask that they help me pray and fast on the issue. A certain gentleman who is a mutual friend asked me why the issue was stressing me out so much and I told him bcz we are friends. Like she’s been there for me through alot. So when I calmed down I went to our mutual friends to discuss how to go about it. I am telling you, that woman is so loved by so many people. So many people were willing to go all out to help her. We all know the fickle nature of friends but let me tell you she has alot of love and support through out the whole ordeal.

So whenever I would discuss it with close friends in our circle they were all going through what I went through. Sleepless nights, depression and anger. So I was like when we love people we don’t really understand how much we invest in them through that attachment. If anything happens to them even of their own making, we suffer with them. It had never dawned on me the ripple effects of our actions. When we do wrong it hurts so many people and most of all it hurts God bcz God loves us a great deal more than any friend could ever love us.

We should all be so lucky to have great friends, faithful friends and loving friends like this woman has and is also to others. For majority of humans nobody will stand by them under such circumstances but my heart was so warmed by how so many came together to help her even if it was her fault she was in trouble. Love and friendship has been so cheapened that what most people have are frenemies who you share with them your health problems or personal problems and they use it against you. Or use it to feel better about themselves. Even alot of people who claim to be Christians are not loyal friends and they lack compassion for their friends as the Word says in the last days the love of many will grow cold. Many believers do not live even care about their own siblings. For those blessed with such a amazing friendship please remember not to heartbreak the precious and rare gift of love and friendship the Lord bequeaths to you by not doing things that hurt you because if something hurts you, it hurts them by the fact that they love and care for you.

Greater love has no man than this, he who lays down His life for His friend.

FOR those who are not good friends especially believers. Every time the temptation to talk ill about your friends comes, even when it is the truth and it looks justified in your eyes to judge, to slander, to speak about your friends short comings. Please remember the sweet and kind words of Jesus. They(worldly) people shall know that you are My disciples by your love one for another.

Next time you feel like you want to either be a friend who slanders or judges, remember Jesus and how He showed great love to Peter after Peter had even denied Him thrice. The Spirit of the Lord within us gives us the power to be these things that worldly people can not be. I remember one time a moslem friend of mine was deathly ill and the Lord spoke to me and told me to get our mutual friends who are believers and we fast for her healing. It just blew my mind, the love God has. Yaani you are not even worshipping Him but He still loves you so much that He will bring you healing through the prayers of believers without you even asking Him. What kind of love is that? God always amazes me. ALWAYS.

[SIZE=7]The Best Friends Are Born for Adversity[/SIZE]
Article by
Dave Zuleger

Pastor, Lakeville, Minnesota
[INDENT]A friend loves at all times and a brother (or sister) is born for adversity. (Proverbs 17:17)[/INDENT]
So few of these kinds of relationships seem to exist in the world, even within churches. People like to get together and have casual fun, but walk (or run) away if a situation or friendship gets too difficult or might cost us too much. I wonder if many of us have lost sense of what true friendship is meant to be.
How might this Proverb come alive again in the life of the church?
[INDENT]“And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God,” — like Proverbs 17:17— “righteousness and sanctification and redemption, so that, as it is written, ‘Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.’” (1 Corinthians 1:30–31)[/INDENT]
These thirteen words of wisdom in Proverbs are fulfilled and personified in the crucified Friend of sinners. Maybe we would begin building these types of friendships if we were able to see each other and our relationships through the lens of Christ. Before we could ever be a good friend, we had to be rescued from our sin. The perfect friend and brother, Jesus Christ, had to save us before we could even begin to love others like he loved us. We become blood relatives of sorts — blood-bought family — through the death and resurrection of this perfect friend and brother.
The family of God runs deeper than our physical families because we are connected not simply by the blood pumping through our veins, but by the blood of Christ spilled on the cross.
[SIZE=6]Perfect Love Personified[/SIZE]
We need to begin defining true friendship and brotherly love not by conforming to cultural expectations, but by looking at the face of Jesus and being changed to look and love more like him (2 Corinthians 3:18). When we look at Jesus, we find a friend who loves when we are unlovable, and a brother willing to die for us, even when we didn’t deserve it. We find and experience a love utterly unlike what we normally find in ourselves, in our own hearts.
We can be such fickle friends, distancing ourselves from difficult people and situations. If someone seems too immature, too demanding, or too inconvenient, we bail. We find excuses (legitimate ones of course!) to distance ourselves from these kinds of friends. Yet, Jesus — the perfect, holy Son of God — went and hung out among wicked sinners who were extremely immature, difficult, and even dangerous (they crucified him!).
Jesus didn’t condone their sin, but he didn’t run from them because of it, either. Instead, he kept entering into the messiness of sinners as a faithful friend, a friend who loved at all times, no matter what they did to him, to his very last breath.
[SIZE=6]An Unshakeable Family[/SIZE]
The body of Christ desperately needs brothers and sisters born for adversity, and yet they are sadly lacking in many churches.
Shouldn’t the church be a place that builds itself up in love no matter the cost (Ephesians 4:16)? Convenient love is not found anywhere in the footnotes. Shouldn’t the church be a place where the children of God, purchased by the blood of Christ, gladly care for each other’s physical, spiritual, and emotional needs?
Our churches should be places where friends move toward pain, suffering, and hardship in love, not away from it in selfish fear. Christ never gave up on us, despite all our sin. Therefore, we cannot give up on difficult people too easily or hold bitter grudges. The gospel families in our churches must commit to walk through the deep pain and sorrows of life together, to be there when things are hard. And stay when things get harder. The love of Christ should control us, helping us endure even when we are sinned against, being willing to lay down our lives for the sake of others, even those who have hurt us.
The Holy Spirit still does this kind of work today, if we will look to Christ as our example of faithful friendship and trust him with the risk of being inconvenienced or getting hurt.
[SIZE=6]Follow Jesus into Messy Friendships[/SIZE]
Jesus left the glory of his Father to enter into our mess. He died on a cross for our sins to win a family of brothers and sisters who would be willing to live for the glory of God, who would love each other enough to die for each other.
We need to learn to see every friendship through the lens of the work of Christ on our behalf. To see that at the cross there is more than enough grace to cover a multitude of sins committed against us. To see the cross of Christ as the depth of suffering a perfect Brother was willing to endure. We need to remember a true brother moves closer when times get harder, and never leaves or forsakes a friend, even when the trial lasts a lifetime.
Friendships like these help us be real with each other, admitting our weaknesses and taking off the Christian masks of “doing okay.” We don’t need to clean ourselves or our circumstances up in order to belong. We simply need Jesus to belong. And instead of running from the church when things get hard, we can be eager to lean in with brothers and sisters around us, those who are eager to bear our burdens regardless of how heavy or hurtful they may become.
No one is okay on their own. We all need true blood-bought friends, brothers and sisters born for adversity.

Dave Zuleger (@DaveZuleger) serves as lead pastor for Bethlehem Baptist Church, South Campus, in Lakeville, Minnesota, and graduated from Bethlehem College & Seminary. He and his wife, Kelly, have four children.


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