God the Architecture, Man the Problem

If the whole history of the universe is squeezed in one calendar year it is believed that man came into existence on December 31st at 10pm.
This made me thinking, when God was designing nature, He went into a lot of thought to have everything work perfectly as He intended, then man happened. Are we God’s mistake in His plan?

So,where did dinosaur bones come from if man came after them? Were they a mistake that needed to be eradicated en masse to give way for man?
Your question raises more questions

Dinosaurs existed millions of years ago at a time when God, Lucifer and all the angels were in heaven. You keep assuming that the presence of dinosaurs and early hominids invalidates the Bible. It doesn’t.

@nobert, the problem has always been Satan. Remember that spiritual Adam was created in the image of God therefore he could not sin. However, later on God created a physical man/Adam to till the earth, that’s where satan took advantage and was able to infiltrate his sinful code into our dna.

enough with this brain molestation ideologies.

Salimia Pastor Jakes

the story is categorical about creation of everything including stars. the sun is just one main sequence star.

The bible says the snake spoke to Eve, well I’ll be damn daft to believe so.
The funny thing about the christians is that some celebrate the 25th while some believe that there was no such thing. Quite contradicting, isn’t it?

Its hard small talking about things that are not known

I’ll have to disagree on this. The inconsistencies are innumerable. For instance if one is to date back the how old the bible says the world calculating thorugh the lineages, it would be less than 3000 years. I have no clue where you came up with “dinosaurs were on earth while the spirits were in heaven”. The issue with a lot of religious people is that the tend to create stories or reasons with many fallacies in order to try understand the meaning of things. Not everything is to be understood now. So don’t fill in the unkwon with “God” as the answer. Additionally “god” created man on the 7th day. So were the dinosaurs alive-for a couple of hours?
Science through research and studies 9carbon dating provide near accurate timelines of occurrences that happened on earth these books that tell you to believe in them blindly DO NOT PROVIDE any evidence apart from forcing you to believe in them through the use of fear. If you are doing things out of the fear of repercussions , i feel sorry for you.

Religion will kill you my friend

3000 years? Not true. From present times back to when Jesus was on earth is approximately 2,000 years. Old Testament another 5,000 years or so. Total is between 7-10,000 years…
Please address this before we can delve into the remainder of your post.

Right, my bad! Long time since i read up on it and got my numbers twisted. Still… 10,000 years is still miniscule to the actual 4.5billion years.

In the book of Job we have a creature known by the name ‘leviathan’. Could it be the dinosaur?

Thomas Hobbes

the world might not have been occupied as it is now,after noahs flood is when his children moved in different directions.

look at todays world,wild animals are not everywhere,you find them adapted for specific region and climate.it could be dinosaurs were in regions man had not moved to,so noah never saved any.