Gey pastas

Mungu hujionea maneno.

funny/sad how it was no women preachers, no wearing other genders clothing, no tight dressing, no funny songs and dance, no gay people…

now, women can preach, wear anything you want coz God sees what’s inside, let’s sing and dance anyhow to attract the young generation, let’s accept everyone no matter their gender, sexual orientation coz we are all Gods children…

will there be a difference between religion and the world in a few years?
are these the end times as prophecied?

we are in for a bumpy ride, better buckle in.

Satan masquerades as an angel of light.

Where are women preachers coming in to this.

I don’t see any light here other than that of a train wreck about to happen. A gey pasta is an oxymoron. How do you claim to be a pastor yet you are gey and the Bible clearly teaches that homosexuality is an abomination. They should start their own religion which is ok with homosexuality.

He is not a pastor, he just says he is.

1 Timothy 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

trying to show how the church is evolving/conforming with the world.
Gay preachers, Bishops, Popes will be accepted in the near future. i reckon if the world starts accepting serial killers, Peodephiles… the Church will be forced to do the same.

These might be the end times


This is playing dangerous games with God. If one isn’t called to be a pastor, it’s bettter to live as a layman, perhaps God will forgive you if you implore him, than to actively pretend to be leading people to God, yet preaching pure evil. There is no God in homosexuality; none. It is a simple, blunt truth. Like it or hate it.
So what are you preaching? The nonsensical notion of accepting this filth is just a creation to sway confused people to give financial support to a corrupting agenda that is straight from the devil. Watu wambiane ukweli. Most people are not bold enough to publicly call out such people for what they really are–agents of Satan. Know it for yourself though. Whatever congregation listens to such a person, it is NOT a church of God. It is a mockery to God to call him a pastor.

You, you just hate women. If the woman at the well went to preach and Jesus did not stop her and Mary Magdalene was the first evangelist to proclaim the resurrection of Christ and Jesus said, the fields are ripe with harvest but the workers are few, how do you then claim that half the population can not preach. Now that you have a penis, how many people have you brought to Christ? Do the people you work with or deal with in your real life see Jesus in you? Has a moslem ever admired Jesus after living around you? The same Paul wrote in his epistle to the Romans that in God there is no male, female, slave, master and other such social classes that existed at the time. If you and @mishale are pastors then I can listen to you but if you have never brought even a single soul to Christ but here you are saying that the women who are bringing souls to the Lord and who have given themselves to serve God instead of worshipping men and religion like the Pharisees, legalistic ally like your self hating cultists like @Purple who can tell a man to send his wife packing yet God hates divorce but she knows how Satan looked like in the garden of Eden and how he was having sex with Eve. If you really want to be a pharisee, a stickler for the law, why do you not cover your head in church @Purple? So it’s OK to condemn female pastors but not the women who don’t cover their heads in church? You choose what suit your misogynistic bents but ignore the rest. @mishale kindly tell me how many female presidents we have in the world versus how many female preachers we have so that we can see where the church is conforming to the world. God gives us brain and ability regardless of our gender. For me I look at Jesus and how He related to women. He had nothing but love for women and not even once did He speak ill or in a derogatory manner to a woman. Or stop a woman from preaching. You and Apostle Paul have your issues with women. We all know Paul’s background from a misogynistic Jewish culture. I follow Jesus not Paul not John the Baptist. If you yourself are a pastor maybe I can listen to you but if you are a man and you are doing absolutely nothing to advancing the kingdom of God but uko hapo condemning women who are bringing thousands of souls to Jesus, my friend just shut up and sit down under that women who has given herself to the service of God. I rebuke that demonic pharisees spirit in you that wants to deny perishing souls a pastor, an evangelist, a teacher bcz it’s a woman. You are no different than the brood of vipers who condemned Jesus for healing on the sabbath. Shame on you white washed tombs trying to stop the move of the spirit to fulfill the law. Kama mwanamke amejitolea kwa Mungu should God wait for arrogant men like you whose calling is to put women down and souls are perishing daily? Didn’t the Lord say in the last days I will pour out my Spirit indiscriminately? So why didn’t God limit this to men? Just as Jesus aptly put it, you Pharisees are not going into the kingdom and you are blocking others from entering by saying that women should stop preaching. Who will replace the women who preach and teach and evangelist and prophecy? Will you? If you can’t replace even one female pastor please sit down and shut up stop blocking people from entering God’s kingdom bcz it’s a woman at the helm. Do you know why I love Jesus so much? He was a friend of sinners, read the gospels and see Jesus only despised the religious class. Imagine perfect as God He never looked down at anyone. Let this mind that was in Christ then be with you that though He was equal to God, He submitted unto death. That is the God I serve. Habagui and He does not look down on anybody bcz of their gender or sin. Please follow Jesus. Humble yourself and accept that God will use whoever is available bcz workers are few and the harvest is humongous. Comprende amigo? Wewe kama you can not do the work of God Bas nyamaza let women, children, moslem, hindu, whoever is available do the work of God. God will use the available vessel not the useless one like you who has done NOTHING to further the kingdom of God kazi yenu ni kucomplain tuu women pastors, get behind me Satan, they are saving millions of souls, wewe umeleta wangapi? You as a man do not tell us how a woman pastor who is being used by God bcz you are not available as a man is conforming to the world. God uses the available and yielded vessel not the genital or chromosomes. God is not a respect or of Persons like us humans, He looked at the heart not the outward appearance.