
He had an interesting way of disposing trash he would put it in paper bags. Wrap it in boxes then board a matatu leave it there .Another was going to country bus station conductors quickly took the luggage .He would then calmly walk in a different direction. You can imagine the shock on them once they open up the boxes only to find partially rotten food banana peels and used condoms.

Some people would set the world on fire gladly and watch it burn . :D:D:D

That one deserves a Nobel prize for savagery.

Sometimes I’m just shocked at how dismissive people are of garbage and its recycling. Personally, if I will see such a man, I slap him in the face, and I would not be ashamed. I love our planet and I want it to stay fresh and not polluted. So that the air is clean and the ocean too. Many people are specifically looking for dumpster rental prices Lafayette LA on the Internet to throw garbage into specialized containers, which are then taken to waste recycling plants. I respect people who care about our planet as much as I do. We live here and we are responsible for our planet. I wish you all good luck and don’t trash please!