Evolutionary Battle Stategy

Ponder on this for a moment …

  1. Fight Fast , Fluid Hit and Run Battles against the Enemy.
  2. Retreat in all directions when confronted by a Superior Enemy …let the Enemy split up their force when persuing you …then counter attack from all directions.
  3. Never defend territory…it costs unecessary loss of lives …let the Enemy commit men and material doing so… then attack their weakest formations from all directions.
  4. Utilize cheap , nimble transport options …( motorcycles and mopeds ) to move small attack units fast around weak Enemy flanks.
  5. Simple , short range FM walkie talkies and basic mobile phones for communication.
  6. Simple light pistol caliber silenced weapons to wound and incapacitate the Enemy …they will then have the extra burden to care for their wounded and lower moral.


kumbe gun enthusiasts wako wengi? as much as you prefer hit and run tactics #1, it has its own shortcomings including not doing any serious damage to the enemy. Difficult to win a war with it as you cant claim a decisive victory or capture a territory as ur constantly maneuvering to avoid any kind of engagement with hostiles.

  1. Deaths attracts more deaths. When you are overpowered stay low

All the above are common fallacies …

1/ US defeat in the Vietnam Conflict.
2/ British , Russian and US military disasters in Afghanistan.
3/ Portuguese Army defeat by FRELIMO in Mozambique.
4/ NRA and RPF victories in Uganda and Rwanda.

When Guerrilla Tactics and Strategy are properly employed , they are very effective against a superior , well equipped adversary … :smiley: :smiley:

Death is a given in any War…

Staying Low is part of the Master Tactic…

You come out , hit the enemy hard and fast ( the element of surprise ) , then melt away before they know what hit them …

One of the best portable ambush weapon …
